首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools: Architectures, Languages, Algorithms >A Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Combined with a Local Search Method

A Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Combined with a Local Search Method


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This paper proposes a new multi-objective artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm called MOABCLS by combining ABC with a polynomial mutation based local search method. In this algorithm, an external archive is used to store the non-dominated solutions found so far which are maintained by the crowding distance method. A global best food source gbest is selected and used to produce new food sources in both employed and onlooker bee phases. The aim of adopting a local search is to keep good balance between exploration and exploitation. The MOABCLS is able to deal with both unconstrained and constrained problems, and it is evaluated on test functions (with up to five objectives) taken from the CEC09 competition. The performance of MOABCLS is compared with that of eight state-of-the-art multi-objective algorithms with respect to IGD metric. It is shown by the Wilcoxon test results that MOABCLS performs competitively or even better than the peer algorithms. Further experimental results clearly demonstrate MOABCLS's ability of finding a set of well converged and appropriately distributed non-dominated solutions, and the performance promotion by introducing the local search method.
机译:通过结合ABC和基于多项式突变的局部搜索方法,提出了一种新的多目标人工蜂群算法MOABCLS。在该算法中,使用外部存档来存储到目前为止发现的非拥挤解决方案,这些解决方案通过拥挤距离法得以维护。选择了全球最佳食物来源gbest并用于在受雇和旁观蜂阶段生产新的食物来源。采用本地搜索的目的是在勘探与开发之间保持良好的平衡。 MOABCLS能够处理不受约束的问题和受约束的问题,并且根据CEC09竞赛中的测试功能(最多具有五个目标)对其进行了评估。就IGD度量标准而言,将MOABCLS的性能与八种最新的多目标算法的性能进行了比较。 Wilcoxon测试结果表明,MOABCLS的性能具有竞争优势,甚至比同等算法更好。进一步的实验结果清楚地证明了MOABCLS能够找到一组收敛良好且分布合理的非支配解,并通过引入局部搜索方法来提高性能。



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