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The Colosseum's use and state of abandonment as analysed through its flora


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Over the past four centuries, different lists of the flora of the Colosseum have been published (Jatrologismi sive medicae observationes quibus additus est in fine Plantarum Amphitheatralium Catalogus. Typis Dorninici Marciani, Rome, p. 15; Enumeratio plantarum sponte nascentium in ruderibus Amphitheatri Flavii. Typis Pauli Salviucci et filii, Rome, p. 80; Flora of the Colosseum of Rome. London. p. 230; Florula del Colosseo. Atti Accademia Pontificia Nuovi Lincei 28, 20,7; 29, 33; 30, 8; 31, 13; Ann. Bot. (Roma) XXIII (fasc. 3) (1951) 393; Webbia 56(2) (2001) 321). The rich plant colonization (684 species, as the sum of the various lists) appears to be due to the great variety of habitats in the monument and to its state of abandonment. The comparison among the different floras allows a quantitative estimate of the following general changes to be determined: a gradual yet notable decrease of typical elements of mature dynamic stages; a constant decrease in species related to grazing and animal droppings, as well as in weeds from cultivated fields; and a constant increase of widely distributed and alien species, indicators of a different but ever stronger impact of man on the area.
机译:在过去的四个世纪中,罗马斗兽场的菌群名单有所不同(在精细的Plantarum Amphitheatralium Catalogus。Typis Dorninici Marciani,罗马,第15页中进行了麻风病医学观察。 Typis Pauli Salviucci et filii,罗马,第80页;罗马斗兽场的植物群。伦敦。第230页; Florula del Colosseo。阿蒂学院蓬蒂米亚·诺维·里塞尼28,20,7; 29,33; 30,8; 31, 13;罗马人(罗马)XXIII(fasc。3)(1951)393; Webbia 56(2)(2001)321)。丰富的植物定殖(684种,作为各种清单的总和)似乎是由于纪念碑中栖息地的种类繁多以及废弃状态的缘故。不同菌群之间的比较可以确定以下一般变化的定量估计值:成熟动态阶段典型要素的逐渐但显着下降;与放牧和动物粪便有关的物种以及耕地杂草的数量不断减少;以及不断增加的广泛分布的外来物种,这表明人类对这一地区的影响不同,但影响越来越大。



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