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The Ultimate Fixing Machine


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On September 8, 1994, BMW built its first car in North America. The event, in a new BMW Manufacturing Company (BMWMC) plant located in a former peach orchard between Spartanburg and Greenville, South Carolina, marked an early milestone on its road to becoming the first European carmaker to establish a lasting manufacturing presence in America. BMWMC built 3-series, then Z3S and Z4S; now its South Carolina facility is the world's sole supplier for the X5 and the X6, with as much as 71 percent of annual output (hovering around 170,000 units, which exceeds the plant's stated capacity, thanks to regular overtime shifts) destined for export. Plans to build the next X3 are in place, along with the upcoming hybrid version of the X6. Last September, the factory's 1.5 millionth car-a right-hand-drive, dark blue X6 headed for Hong Kong-rolled off the line and the company paused, briefly, to celebrate.
机译:1994年9月8日,宝马在北美制造了第一辆汽车。此次活动是在宝马制造公司(BMWMC)的新工厂中进行的,该工厂位于前斯帕坦堡和南卡罗来纳州格林维尔之间的桃园,这标志着迈向成为第一家在美国建立持久制造业务的欧洲汽车制造商之路的早期里程碑。 BMWMC制造了3系,然后是Z3S和Z4S;现在,其位于南卡罗来纳州的工厂是X5和X6的全球唯一供应商,其年产量高达71%(徘徊在170,000辆左右,由于定期加班而超过了工厂的既定产能),准备出口。计划建造下一个X3,以及即将推出的X6混合动力版。去年9月,该工厂的第150万辆汽车(右驾深蓝色X6驶向香港)从生产线上下线,公司暂时停下来庆祝。



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