首页> 外文期刊>International archives of occupational and environmental health: Internationales Archiv fur Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin >Three decades of pleural cancer and mesothelioma registration in Austria where asbestos cement was invented.

Three decades of pleural cancer and mesothelioma registration in Austria where asbestos cement was invented.


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Recently, a new mesothelioma epidemic was predicted from observations made in Western Europe. From early observations in Austria the lower increase in cases of mesothelioma compared with neighbor countries had been related to different uses of asbestos. In order to test this hypothesis, incidence and mortality of pleural cancer [International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-8/9 163] were analyzed for three decades and supplemented by data from a cohort study in the factory that had been the largest consumer of asbestos imported to Austria and from all Austrian occupational diseases registered between 1990 and 2001. In men, mortality rates (based on 15 to 45 deaths/year) were lowest in 1980-1989, but similar in 1970-1979 and 1990-2001. No increase in younger-birth cohorts was detected. Incidence rates (based on 13 to 44 cases/year) increased (36%) non-significantly ( P=0.14). In women, a significant decrease in mortality and incidence rates ( P<0.01) was observed from 1970. Rates from work-related mesothelioma (based on only 0-7 men and 0-4 women/year) must be interpreted with caution. In the cohort of 2,816 asbestos cement workers 26 pleural mesotheliomas were registered from 1990 through mid-1999. Six of these cases (three male and three female) had not been registered as an occupational disease, but all of these cases had been encoded under ICD 163 in mortality statistics. One female cohort member registered as having asbestosis according to the death certificate had died from mesothelioma according to the statistics of occupational diseases. We conclude that no epidemic of mesothelioma due to past asbestos exposure is to be expected in Austria.
机译:最近,根据西欧的观察结果预测了新的间皮瘤流行病。根据奥地利的早期观察,间皮瘤病例数与邻国相比有所下降,这与石棉的不同使用有关。为了检验这一假设,对胸膜癌的发生率和死亡率[国际疾病分类(ICD)-8/9 163]进行了三十年的分析,并补充了该工厂的一项队列研究数据,该研究曾是胸膜癌的最大消费者。从1990年到2001年之间,从奥地利进口的石棉和从所有奥地利职业病中进口的石棉。在男性中,死亡率(基于每年15至45例死亡)在1980-1989年最低,但在1970-1979年和1990-2001年相似。未发现年轻队列的增加。发病率(基于13至44例/年)无明显增加(36%)(P = 0.14)。在女性中,从1970年开始观察到死亡率和发病率显着下降(P <0.01)。与工作相关的间皮瘤的发病率(仅基于0-7名男性和0-4名女性/年)必须谨慎解释。从1990年到1999年中期,在2,816名石棉水泥工人队列中,登记了26例胸膜间皮瘤。这些病例中有6例(男性3例,女性3例)没有被注册为职业病,但是所有这些病例在死亡率统计中均按照ICD 163进行编码。根据职业病的统计,根据死亡证明书注册为石棉沉着症的女性队列成员死于间皮瘤。我们得出的结论是,奥地利不会因过去接触石棉而引起间皮瘤的流行。



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