首页> 外文期刊>International archives of occupational and environmental health: Internationales Archiv fur Arbeits- und Umweltmedizin >The utility of Functional Capacity Evaluation: the opinion of physicians and other experts in the field of return to work and disability claims.

The utility of Functional Capacity Evaluation: the opinion of physicians and other experts in the field of return to work and disability claims.


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Objectives: This qualitative study explored how Dutch experts perceive the utility of functional capacity evaluation (FCE) for return to work (RTW) and disability claim (DC) assessment purposes. Methods: Twenty-one RTW case managers and 29 DC experts were interviewed by telephone using a semi-structured interview schedule. Results: The RTW case managers valued the utility of FCE on a scale of 0-10. Their mean valuation was 6.5 (SD 1.5). The average valuation for DC experts was 4.8 (SD 2.2). Arguments in favor of FCE were (1) its ability to confirm own opinions and (2) the objectivity of its measurement method. Arguments against FCE were (1) the redundancy of the information it provides and (2) the lack of objectivity. Indications for FCE were musculoskeletal disorders, a positive patient self-perception of ability to work, and the presence of an actual job. Contraindications for FCE were medically unexplained disorders, a negative patient self-perception of ability to work, and the existence of disputes and legal procedures. Conclusions: The responding RTW case managers perceived FCE to be more useful than the responding DC experts. The question of whether the arguments presented for and against the utility of FCE are valid is one that should be addressed in a future study.
机译:目标:这项定性研究探索了荷兰专家如何看待功能能力评估(FCE)在重返工作(RTW)和残障索赔(DC)评估中的效用。方法:采用半结构化访谈时间表,电话采访了21位RTW案例经理和29位DC专家。结果:RTW案例管理人员对FCE的效用的评价为0-10。他们的平均估值为6.5(标准差1.5)。 DC专家的平均估值为4.8(SD 2.2)。支持FCE的论点是(1)它可以确认自己的观点的能力,以及(2)其测量方法的客观性。反对FCE的论点是(1)它提供的信息的冗余以及(2)缺乏客观性。 FCE的适应症包括肌肉骨骼疾病,患者对工作能力的积极自我感知以及实际工作。 FCE的禁忌症是医学上无法解释的疾病,患者对工作能力的自我感觉不良以及存在争议和法律程序。结论:做出回应的RTW案例经理认为FCE比回应的DC专家更有用。所提出的支持和反对FCE效用的论点是否有效的问题应在以后的研究中加以解决。



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