首页> 外文期刊>Information Sciences: An International Journal >A generalized TOPSIS method for group decision making with heterogeneous information in a dynamic environment

A generalized TOPSIS method for group decision making with heterogeneous information in a dynamic environment


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In the real world the decisions are frequently made by a group of decision makers. Methods to support group multicriteria decision making (MCDM) in dynamic environments is a challenging research topic under investigation. However, in most of those methods, it is necessary that the decision makers reach an agreement in the setup of the problem. For example, it is common that a group MCDM method requires the decision makers to define jointly a set of criteria. This may not be easy or, even, achievable. Also, the MCDM methods have been extensively generalized to process many different types of information, e.g., crisp, interval, fuzzy, intuitionistic fuzzy, hesitant fuzzy. Nevertheless, many group MCDM Methods strongly restrict the freedom of the decision makers to use the type of information they see fit by forcing them to prior define the type of information that must be used. These restrictions considerably reduce the individual opinions of the decision makers involved. In this work, we introduce a generalization of the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method, called GMo-RTOPSIS (Group Modular Random TOPSIS), which provides freedom for the decision makers express his/her individuality and opinions. The method is capable of dealing with an imperfect setting where each decision maker can define independently the criteria set, the weight vector, the underlying factors that may affect the alternatives' ratings and the type of information they want to use in each criterion. We then show the feasibility of the method by discussing three case studies. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:在现实世界中,决策通常是由一组决策者做出的。在动态环境中支持小组多标准决策(MCDM)的方法是一个具有挑战性的研究主题。但是,在大多数方法中,决策者必须就问题的建立达成协议。例如,团体MCDM方法通常需要决策者共同定义一组标准。这可能不容易甚至无法实现。而且,MCDM方法已被广泛地概括为处理许多不同类型的信息,例如,清晰,区间,模糊,直觉模糊,犹豫模糊。尽管如此,许多团体MCDM方法通过迫使决策者事先定义必须使用的信息类型,强烈限制了决策者使用他们认为合适的信息类型的自由。这些限制大大减少了相关决策者的个人意见。在这项工作中,我们介绍了称为GMo-RTOPSIS(组模块化随机TOPSIS)的TOPSIS(类似于理想解决方案的订单偏好技术)方法的泛化方法,该方法为决策者表达其个性和观点提供了自由。该方法能够处理不完美的设置,其中每个决策者可以独立定义标准集,权重向量,可能影响备选方案等级的潜在因素以及他们希望在每个标准中使用的信息类型。然后,我们通过讨论三个案例研究来证明该方法的可行性。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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