首页> 外文期刊>International angiology: A journal of the International Union of Angiology >Selective use of the intensive care unit after elective infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.

Selective use of the intensive care unit after elective infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.


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AIM: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair has traditionally involved admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). This paper reports on an experience of using preoperative medical criteria and a list of intraoperative factors for selective use of the ICU. These criteria were evaluated in relation to their impact on the safety and short term results after open AAA repair. METHODS: All elective open infrarenal AAA repairs during a 9 year period (1994-2003), following a specific algorithm towards selective use of the ICU, were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were clinically evaluated, before the operative procedures, and divided into categories according to their medical risk (cardiac and pulmonary status). Patients with an ejection fraction <30% and a FVC or FEV1 <50% of the predicted value were transferred immediately from the operating room to the ICU. A list of intraoperative factors: 1) prolonged operative time; 2) prolonged aortic clamping time; 3) suprarenal clamping; 4) quantity of blood transfusion; 5) intraoperative acute renal failure; 6) intraoperative hemodynamic instability; 7) intraoperative cardiac dysfunction were also considered criteria for transfer from the operating room to the ICU. Patients who did not meet any of the above criteria were extubated and transferred to the surgical floor. RESULTS: Elective AAA repair was performed on 602 patients, among whom, 551 (91.5%) were extubated in the operating room and thereafter treated in the surgical floor and 51 (8.5%) were transferred from the operating room to the ICU. However, later transfer from the floor to the ICU was required in 7 more patients (1.1%), increasing the total percentage of patients treated in the ICU to 9.6%. (51 patients initially and 7 later on). The total postoperative 30 days mortality rate was 0.7% (4 patients) and the morbidity rate was 18.8% in this series. The mean length of in-hospital stay was 9.9 days and the mean ICU length of stay was 4.2 days. CONCLUSION: Elective AAA repair with selective use of the ICU can be a considerable safe policy in a single high volume hospital. It can reduce resource use without a negative impact on the quality of care.
机译:目的:腹主动脉瘤(AAA)修复传统上涉及重症监护病房(ICU)的入院。本文报道了使用术前医学标准的经验以及选择ICU的术中因素清单。评估这些标准对AAA维修后对安全性和短期结果的影响。方法:回顾性评估了针对选择性使用ICU的特定算法,在9年期间(1994-2003年)进行的所有择期开放性肾下AAA修复。在手术之前,对患者进行了临床评估,并根据其医疗风险(心脏和肺部状况)将其分为几类。射血分数<30%且FVC或FEV1 <预测值的50%的患者立即从手术室转移到ICU。术中因素清单:1)手术时间延长; 2)延长主动脉钳夹时间; 3)肾上夹紧; 4)输血量; 5)术中急性肾功能衰竭; 6)术中血流动力学不稳定; 7)术中心脏功能障碍也被视为从手术室转移到ICU的标准。不符合上述任何条件的患者拔管并转移到手术室。结果:对602例患者进行了选择性AAA修复,其中551例(91.5%)在手术室拔管,随后在手术室接受治疗,其中51例(8.5%)从手术室转移至ICU。但是,又有7名患者(1.1%)需要从地板下转移到ICU,使在ICU中接受治疗的患者总数增加到9.6%。 (最初为51位患者,之后为7位)。术后30天的总死亡率为0.7%(4例患者),该系列的发病率为18.8%。平均住院时间为9.9天,平均ICU住院时间为4.2天。结论:在单个大容量医院中,选择性使用ICU进行选择性AAA修复可能是一项相当安全的政策。它可以减少资源使用,而不会对护理质量产生负面影响。



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