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Feed pea offers attractive opportunities as an aqua feed ingredient


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Pea, the ubiquitous legume that was domesticated 10,000 years ago, is more known as human food and for helping Gregor Mendel to discover basic principles of heredity. It is also fast becoming a mainstream animal feed ingredient. Research on feed peaas an aqua feed ingredient is recent, but there is already sufficient evidence that it can be included in fish and shrimp feeds at up to 40 percent or more. Its attractive price makes it an excellent opportunity ingredient. Pea (Pisum sotivum) is widelyknown as a human food crop. However, the feed-grade version of this crop is rapidly gaining recognition as an excellent ingredient in animal feeds. This rising interest in feed pea is mainly because of the moderate levels of protein (22-25 percent) andrichness in starch (approx 50 percent), all in one ingredient. Plant breeding has also eliminated or substantially reduced anti-nutritional factors that used to be found in feed pea. This and other development of peas has been done using traditional plant breeding techniques, so feed pea is also gaining popularity as a non-GMO ingredient.
机译:豌豆是一万年前驯化的无处不在的豆类,被人们称为人类食品,因为它可以帮助Gregor Mendel发现遗传的基本原理。它也迅速成为一种主流的动物饲料成分。对豌豆水产饲料成分的研究是最近的,但是已经有足够的证据表明它可以以不超过40%的比例包含在鱼虾饲料中。其诱人的价格使其成为极好的机会要素。豌豆(Pisum sotivum)被广泛认为是人类的粮食作物。但是,这种农作物的饲料级版本已迅速被公认为是动物饲料中的优良成分。对豌豆的兴趣不断提高,主要是因为蛋白质含量适中(22-25%)和淀粉含量丰富(约50%),都是一种成分。植物育种还消除或大大减少了豌豆饲料中曾经发现的抗营养因子。豌豆的这种和其他发育已使用传统的植物育种技术完成,因此,饲料豌豆作为一种非转基因成分也越来越受欢迎。



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