首页> 外文期刊>Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station: Research Series >Utilizing Natural Biological Control for Cotton Aphids: Cotton Aphid Fungus Sampling Service Twelfth Year

Utilizing Natural Biological Control for Cotton Aphids: Cotton Aphid Fungus Sampling Service Twelfth Year


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RESEARCH PROBLEM - Cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii, have been a persistent problem in cotton aphid production for the past 16 years. Each year since 1988 the fungus, Neozygites frese-nii, has terminated aphid populations in many fields throughout Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The Cotton Aphid Fungus Sampling Service, supported by Cotton Incorporated, has played a valuable role in helping growers, extension agents, and consultants determine whenthe fungus would terminate aphid problems in fields, counties, and states. The service completed its twelfth year of assisting the cotton community in 2004.
机译:研究问题-棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)在过去16年中一直是棉蚜生产中一直存在的问题。自1988年以来,真菌Neozygites frese-nii每年都会终止阿肯色州,阿拉巴马州,乔治亚州,密西西比州,路易斯安那州,南卡罗来纳州和北卡罗来纳州许多地区的蚜虫种群。在棉花公司的支持下,棉花蚜虫真菌抽样服务在帮助种植者,推广人员和顾问确定真菌何时终止田间,县和州的蚜虫问题方面发挥了重要作用。该服务于2004年完成了其为棉花社区提供援助的第十二个年头。



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