
Sexing of spermatozoa


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Biologically, sex can be defined as the aggregation of physiological, functional and psychological differences that distinguishes the organism producing eggs, known as females from those that produce sperms called males. The most plausible reasons for the existence of sex in the animal kingdom is that the phenotypic variability provided by sexual reproduction is essential for the long term survival in a complicated ever changing biotic environment. The sex of the individual is determined by a specific pair of chromosomes known as sex chromosomes. The male have XY chromosomes while female XX chromosomes, the system being reversed in birds. Different methods of separating sperms from semen have been attempted, based on predicted differences between sperm in electric charge, density or motility. Attempts have been made to differentially inactivate sperm, but neither separation nor inactivation technique have had reproducible success (Amman and Seidel, 1982; Betteridge et RAID., 1981; Booman. 1986; Short, 1979).
机译:从生物学上讲,性别可以定义为生理,功能和心理差异的集合体,可以区分出产卵的有机体(称为雌性)和产卵的生物(称为雄性)。在动物界中存在性的最合理的原因是,在复杂的,不断变化的生物环境中,有性生殖提供的表型变异性对于长期生存至关重要。个体的性别由一对称为性染色体的特定染色体决定。雄性有XY染色体,雌性XX染色体,该系统在鸟类中是相反的。根据精子在电荷,密度或运动性之间的预测差异,尝试了从精液中分离精子的不同方法。已经进行了使精子差异失活的尝试,但是分离和失活技术都没有可再现的成功(Amman和Seidel,1982; Betteridge等RAID,1981; Booman.1986; Short,1979)。



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