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Histopathologically-diagnosed splenic metastasis in a hepatocellular carcinoma case with adrenal metastasis.


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We encountered a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with adrenal gland metastasis, in whom splenic metastasis was diagnosed histopathologically. A 59-year-old man visited our hospital in May 2001 with chief complaints of abdominal distension and pretibial pitting edema. Multiple HCCs associated with HCV-positive liver cirrhosis were detected. Transarterial embolization (TAE) was performed a total of 4 times for HCCs. A left adrenal gland metastatic lesion was detected and it was found to increase in diameter from 3 cm to 6 cm over a four-month period; left adrenalectomy was performed in June 2002. Because of marked splenomegaly and findings of hypersplenism, the spleen was also resected. Although no metastatic lesions were evident on macroscopic examination of the spleen, a small metastatic lesion from moderately differentiated HCC, approximately 0.5 mm in diameter, was detected histopathologically. Splenic metastasis from HCC is rare, usually occurring with metastases involving other organs.Our patient also had adrenal gland metastasis. Therefore, hematogenous metastasis to the congested spleen via the systemic circulation was suspected.
机译:我们遇到了一名患有肾上腺转移的肝细胞癌(HCC)患者,通过组织病理学诊断为脾转移。一名59岁的男子于2001年5月到我院就诊,主要抱怨腹胀和胫前凹陷性水肿。检测到与HCV阳性肝硬化相关的多个HCC。对于肝癌,经动脉栓塞术(TAE)总共进行了4次。检测到左肾上腺转移病灶,发现直径在四个月内从3 cm增加到6 cm。于2002年6月进行左肾上腺切除术。由于脾肿大和脾功能亢进的发现,还切除了脾脏。尽管在脾脏的宏观检查中没有明显的转移性病变,但在组织病理学上发现了一个来自中度分化的HCC的小转移性病变,直径约为0.5 mm。 HCC的脾脏转移很少见,通常发生在涉及其他器官的转移中。我们的患者也有肾上腺转移。因此,怀疑通过全身循环血流转移到了脾脏。



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