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Conservation priority species The Nightingale in Britain: status, ecology and conservation needs


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The Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos is currently on the UK's Amber list of birds of conservation concern, but the recent population trend indicates that the species now warrants Red-list status. England lies at the edge of the Nightingale's global distribution; national surveys and Atlases reveal a contraction in range towards the southeast counties, while favoured sites away from this core are becoming increasingly isolated. The population in England has been in decline since at least the mid 1960s, with an especially steep decline up to the late 1970s. In mainland Europe the recent pattern (post 1970s) is one of relative stability. Knowledge of habitat requirements and pressures facing Nightingales in England has developed considerably in the last decade. Reduced woodland management activity in recent decades, combined with effects of intensified browsing by increasing deer populations are considered to have caused deterioration of habitat quality in woodland. Understanding the species' ecology outside the breeding season is now a key priority. A national census takes place in spring 2012 which will contribute to a suggested strategy for the conservation of the Nightingale in England, outlined here.
机译:普通夜莺Luscinia megarhynchos目前在英国的“琥珀”类保护鸟类名单中,但是最近的种群趋势表明该物种现在值得列入红色名录。英格兰位于夜莺全球分布的边缘。全国调查和地图集显示,向东南部县域范围的缩小,而远离该核心区的偏爱站点正变得越来越孤立。至少从1960年代中期以来,英格兰的人口一直在下降,直到1970年代后期,下降特别迅速。在欧洲大陆,最近的格局(1970年代后)是相对稳定的格局之一。在过去的十年中,有关英格兰夜莺面临的栖息地需求和压力的知识有了很大的发展。近几十年来,林地管理活动减少,加上鹿群数量增加导致的浏览加剧,被认为已导致林地生境质量恶化。现在,在繁殖季节之外了解物种的生态是一个重要的优先事项。将于2012年春季进行全国人口普查,这将有助于为英国夜莺的保护提出建议的策略,如下所述。



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