首页> 外文期刊>Internal medicine journal >The effect of rheumatoid arthritis on personal income in Australia.

The effect of rheumatoid arthritis on personal income in Australia.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on the personal income of a cohort of individuals with RA in Australia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of a sample of 497 working age people with RA in Adelaide, South Australia was carried out. RESULTS: The average personal income of an individual with RA in our cohort in 2003-2004 was Dollars A22 400 compared with the Australian mean annual income of Dollars A38 000. When standardized, the income of our cohort was 66% that of the average income of the Australian population. Overall one-third of the RA cohort relied principally on the social security system for their income and more than 75% of the cohort estimated they had lost greater than Dollars A10 000 per annum in personal income as a result of their disease. Individuals with RA who were not working had annual incomes on average of more than Dollars A20 000 less than those who continued to work. CONCLUSION: The personal income loss associated with RA in Australia is of enormous significance. It reduces a large population of individuals to relative financial poverty and potentially limits their access to a range of services including private health services.
机译:背景:这项研究的目的是评估类风湿关节炎(RA)对澳大利亚RA人群的个人收入的影响。方法:对南澳大利亚州阿德莱德市497个工作年龄的RA患者进行了横断面研究。结果:2003-2004年同期RA患者的平均个人收入为A22 400美元,而澳大利亚的平均年收入为A38 000美元。按照标准化的标准,我们人群的收入为平均收入的66%澳大利亚人口。总体而言,RA队列的三分之一主要依靠社会保障系统来获得收入,而超过75%的队列估计他们由于疾病而每年损失的个人收入超过10,000澳元。 RA的非工作人员年收入比继续工作的人平均少A $ 200000多。结论:澳大利亚与RA相关的个人收入损失具有重大意义。它使大量人口陷入相对的经济贫困,并有可能限制他们获得包括私人保健服务在内的一系列服务。



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