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Severe carbon monoxide poisoning after cleaning a polystyrene tank.


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Incomplete combustion of carbon-based organic materials generates carbon monoxide (CO). Thus, accidental CO poisoning is most often caused by smouldering fires in combustion engines and fossil-fueled heaters or stoves. However, in extremely rare instances CO poisoning can occur without an open or hidden combustion process.We report on a 36-year-old chemical worker who fell into a coma about 10 min after he had started to clean an empty tank with an electric high-pressure water cleaner. The tank originally contained a solution which was composed of 49% polymers and 51 % water. The polymer phase consisted of 75% polystyrene and 25% shellac. This bleached and dewaxed shellac powder was originally soluted with a 26% ammonia solution. On admission, the comatose patient (Glasgow Coma Score: 6) was hemody-namically stable (arterial pressure. 120/70 mmHg, heart rate 80 bpm). He was breathing spontaneously. In the first bloodgas analysis PaO2 was 107 mmHg under continuous oxygen administration via face mask with an FiO2 of approximately 0.5. Furthermore, a severe lactic acidosis (pH 7.06, bicarbonate 10.0 mmol/1, lactate 18.6 mmol/1) was documented. The initial carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) blood level was 41.2%. Normobaric mechanical ventilation with 100 percent oxygen was started immediately, which lowered HbCO blood level to 18.8% within 60 min. Subsequently, hyperbaric-oxygen (HBO) therapy for 4 h was performed which resulted in a normalisation of the HbCO level (0.4%). After 40 h mechanical ventilation was stopped and the patient was extubated. He remained disoriented and showed a severe retrograde amnesia for the next couple of weeks. HBO-therapy was repeated 14 times. After this period, the patient regained orientation but the amnestic syndrome persisted. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain 10 days after the accident revealed typically located necrotic lesions in the basal ganglia (nucleus lentiformis) and hippocampus.
机译:碳基有机材料的不完全燃烧会生成一氧化碳(CO)。因此,意外的一氧化碳中毒通常是由内燃机和化石燃料的加热器或火炉中闷燃的大火引起的。但是,在极少数情况下,如果没有开放或隐蔽的燃烧过程,就会发生CO中毒事件。我们报道了一名36岁的化学工作者在开始用高压电清洁空罐后约10分钟陷入昏迷压净水器。该罐最初包含一种溶液,该溶液由49%的聚合物和51%的水组成。聚合物相由75%的聚苯乙烯和25%的虫胶组成。该漂白和脱蜡的紫胶粉末最初是用26%的氨溶液溶解的。入院时昏迷的患者(格拉斯哥昏迷评分:6)血流动力学稳定(动脉压:120/70 mmHg,心率80 bpm)。他自发地呼吸。在第一次血气分析中,在通过面罩连续供氧的情况下,PaO2为107 mmHg,FiO2约为0.5。此外,记录到严重的乳酸性酸中毒(pH 7.06,碳酸氢盐10.0 mmol / 1,乳酸18.6 mmol / 1)。最初的羧基血红蛋白(HbCO)血液水平为41.2%。立即开始使用100%氧气进行常压机械通气,这在60分钟内将HbCO血液水平降低至18.8%。随后,高压氧(HBO)治疗进行了4小时,导致HbCO水平(0.4%)正常化。 40小时后,停止机械通气,并将患者拔管。他仍然迷失方向,并在接下来的几周内表现出严重的逆行性健忘症。 HBO疗法重复14次。在此期间之后,患者恢复了方向,但记忆删除综合征持续存在。事故发生十天后,大脑的磁共振成像显示出通常位于基底神经节(长形核)和海马区的坏死性病变。



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