首页> 外文期刊>Instruments and Experimental Techniques >A three-axes-compensated inductive magnetometer for measurements in high pulsed magnetic fields

A three-axes-compensated inductive magnetometer for measurements in high pulsed magnetic fields


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A high-sensitivity magnetometer intended for studying the magnetic properties of materials in pulsed magnetic fields of up to 43 T is described. A distinctive feature of the magnetometer is its method for compensating pickups generated in the magnetometer sensing element by a pulsed field. The commonly used uniaxial high-order compensation is replaced by a triaxial compensation of the lowest (quadrupole) order, combined with a transverse arrangement of the main probe coils. This method has allowed us to achieve a compensation level of the signal in the working coil (with an inner diameter of 1.4 or 1.75 mm) of the magnetometer without a sample of up to 10{sub}(-6) for the longitudinal and 10{sup}(-4) for the transverse field components. The magnetic moment sensitivity of the magnetometer is 10{sup}(-4) mA·m{sup}2 in fields below 10 T and 10{sup}(-3) mA·m{sup}2 at a field pulse amplitude of 35 T. A deviation of the compensation is below 2 × 10{sup}(-4) for a temperature increase from 77 to 300 K and below 5 × 10{sup}(-5) after sample replacement. The sample temperature is controlled by a fast-acting temperature control system in a range of 6-300 K to an accuracy of 0.3-0.05 K.
机译:描述了一种旨在研究材料在高达43 T的脉冲磁场中的磁性能的高灵敏度磁力计。磁力计的一个显着特征是其用于补偿由脉冲场在磁力计传感元件中产生的拾波器的方法。常用的单轴高阶补偿被最低(四极)阶的三轴补偿所取代,并与主探头线圈的横向排列相结合。这种方法使我们能够在磁力计的工作线圈(内径为1.4或1.75毫米)中获得信号的补偿水平,而无需为纵向和轴向采样提供多达10 {sub}(-6)的样本{sup}(-4)用于横向场分量。在低于10 T的磁场中,磁力计的磁矩灵敏度为10 {sup}(-4)mA·m {sup} 2,在磁场脉冲幅度为10的情况下为10 {sup}(-3)mA·m {sup} 2。 35T。对于温度从77 K增加到300 K,补偿的偏差小于2×10 {sup}(-4),并且在更换样品后小于5×10 {sup}(-5)。样品温度通过快速作用温度控制系统控制在6-300 K范围内,精度为0.3-0.05K。



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