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Administration Seeks To Pressure China To Reduce Iranian Oil Purchases


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The Obama administration is reaching out to China and other countries requesting that they reduce or stop purchases of Iranian crude oil in the hope that will deprive the Iranian government of a revenue source that allows it to pursue policies "dangerous" to the rest of the world, according to State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland. In a Jan. 5 briefing, she said if countries, including China, work with the United States on this issue, it will be an "important next step in the global effort to tighten the noose" on the Iranian regime. Nuland noted that senior U.S. officials, including Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell, have raised this issue with Chinese leaders. Separately, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on his trip to China and Japan this week will discuss the continued international coordination to put pressure on the government Iran, according to a Jan. 4 Treasury announcement. In addition, China's role as Iran's main oil customer is high on the agenda of a new inter-agency group on China to be led by State and the Department of Energy, according to informed sources. The group is co-chaired by Deputy Secretary Dan Poneman and Carlos Pascual, State's Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs, they said. The U.S. outreach to other countries on reducing or cutting their purchases of Iranian crude oil shows it is trying to implement multilaterally the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act that sanctions foreign countries' dealings with the Central Bank of Iran, according to Richard Sawaya of the National Foreign Trade Council. The Bank handles Iran's oil revenue.
机译:奥巴马政府正在与中国及其他国家接触,要求他们减少或停止购买伊朗原油,以期希望伊朗政府失去收入来源,从而使其无法对世界其他地区实行“危险”的政策。根据国务院发言人维多利亚·纽兰德(Victoria Nuland)的说法。她在1月5日的简报中说,如果包括中国在内的国家在这个问题上与美国合作,这将是对伊朗政权“全球努力收紧绞索的重要一步”。努兰德说,包括东亚和太平洋事务助理国务卿坎特·坎贝尔在内的美国高级官员已向中国领导人提出了这个问题。另外,根据1月4日美国财政部的公告,美国财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)本周在中国和日本之行将讨论继续进行的国际协调,以向伊朗政府施加压力。此外,据知情人士称,中国作为伊朗主要石油客户的角色在由国务院和能源部牵头的新的中国机构间小组的议程中占有重要位置。他们说,该小组由副秘书长丹·庞曼和丹佛州特使和国际能源事务协调员卡洛斯·帕斯夸尔共同主持。根据美国《金融时报》的理查德·萨瓦(Richard Sawaya)的说法,美国与其他国家就减少或减少对伊朗原油的购买进行的外联活动表明,美国正在试图多边执行《国防授权法》的规定,该规定制裁外国与伊朗中央银行的往来。国家对外贸易委员会。该银行处理伊朗的石油收入。



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