首页> 外文期刊>Integrated Pest Management Reviews >Potential for nonhost volatiles as repellents in integrated pest management of ambrosia beetles

Potential for nonhost volatiles as repellents in integrated pest management of ambrosia beetles


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Semiochemical-based mass trapping of the striped ambrosia beetle, Trypodendron lineatum (Olivier) (Coleoptera; Scolytidae), has been the cornerstone of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme for ambrosia beetles on the British Columbia coastsince 1981. However, there is no available tactic of protecting logs from attack that could be incorporated into the IPM programme. We tested nonhost volatiles (NHVs) from the bark of angiosperm trees for their ability to disrupt catches of T. lineatum in multiple-funnel traps baited with the aggregation pheromone lineatin. In one set of experiments, a blend of 1-hexanol and benzyl alcohol caused 77.9 percent and 80.0 percent reduction in captures of males and females, respectively, and in another a blend of methyl salicylate and salicylaldehyde caused reductions of 65.0 percent for males and 66.9 percent for females. All four NHVs combined caused reductions in captures for males and females of 82.3 percent and 81.4 percent, respectively, not much greater than to the blend of 1-hexanol and benzyl alcohol. However, because both blends were active alone, their redundancy when combined lends confidence to the selection of the four-component blend for operational testing. Although disruption was increasedwhen a 16-cornponent NHV blend was tested, or when (+-)-(E)-conophthorin was added to the four-component blend, addition of more compounds to the four-component blend was not considered operationally or economically justifiable. When deployed from low-density polyethylene tubes stapled along the length of pheromone-baited conifer logs, this blend caused prolonged and significant reductions in landing by T. lineatum and also by Gnathotrichus sulcatus (LeConte) and G. retusus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). However, attacking beetles generally overcame the NHV treatment by the end of the flight period, leading to similar attack densities on treated and control logs. Therefore, we recommend that further operational investigations explore using repellent NHVs in combination with disruptive visual, tactile or gustatory stimuli.
机译:基于化学信息的条带化贪婪甲虫Trypodendron lineatum(Olivier)(鞘翅目;鞘翅目)的大量捕集一直是1981年以来在不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸进行的针对贪婪甲虫的综合有害生物管理(IPM)计划的基石。保护日志不受攻击的可用策略,可以将其纳入IPM计划。我们测试了被子植物树皮中的非寄主挥发物(NHVs)破坏由聚集信息素Lineatin诱饵的多漏斗诱集物中线虫的捕获能力。在一组实验中,1-己醇和苄醇的混合物分别导致雄性和雌性的捕获量降低了77.9%和80.0%,在另一组实验中,水杨酸甲酯和水杨醛的混合物中的雄性和雌性捕获量降低了65.0%。女性的百分比。这四个NHV的总和分别导致男性和女性的捕获量减少分别为82.3%和81.4%,但与1-己醇和苯甲醇的掺混量相比,变化幅度不大。但是,由于两种共混物都是单独活性的,因此将它们混合使用时的冗余性为选择四组分共混物进行操作测试提供了信心。尽管在测试16毫克的NHV混合物时或在四组分混合物中加入(+-)-(E)-香豆素时破坏的程度有所增加,但从操作或经济角度考虑,都没有在四组分混合物中添加更多的化合物正当的。当从沿着信息素诱饵的针叶树原木的长度方向钉书钉的低密度聚乙烯管中展开时,这种混合物会导致线虫(T. lineatum)和短吻线虫(Gnathotrichus sulcatus(LeConte))和G. retusus(LeConte)(鞘翅目: co科)。但是,攻击甲虫通常在飞行期结束时克服了NHV处理,导致在处理过的和对照的原木上具有相似的攻击密度。因此,我们建议进行进一步的操作研究,以结合使用驱避性NHV和破坏性视觉,触觉或味觉刺激。



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