首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >Desert ants (Melophorus bagoti) navigating with robustness to distortions of the natural panorama

Desert ants (Melophorus bagoti) navigating with robustness to distortions of the natural panorama

机译:沙漠蚂蚁(Melophorus bagoti)稳健地导航到自然全景的扭曲

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Many insects are known to use the terrestrial visual panorama for navigation. Research suggests that large-scale panoramic properties are often used for orientation rather than individual objects, usually called landmarks. We degraded the natural panorama encountered by Australian red honey ants, Melophorus bagoti, to test how robust their orientation based on the terrestrial panorama is. Foraging ants were lured to a feeder at a constant location. Trained ants were allowed to run home individually with food, but were captured just before they entered their nest. The tested ant was brought back to the location of the feeder, now covered, and allowed to run home again under different distortions of the natural panorama. In one experiment, a large tract of the view on one side of the feeder was obstructed by a tall plastic sheet. In a second experiment, the visual heights of terrestrial objects were altered by raising or lowering the ant by 80 cm. Under both kinds of distortions, the ants continued to be well oriented in the homeward direction. Navigation based on the natural terrestrial panorama proved robust to large distortions.
机译:已知许多昆虫都使用陆地视觉全景图进行导航。研究表明,大型全景属性通常用于定向,而不是通常称为地标的单个对象。我们对澳大利亚红蜂蜜蚂蚁Melophorus bagoti遇到的自然全景进行了降级,以测试其基于陆地全景的方位有多强。将觅食蚂蚁引诱到恒定位置的喂食器中。训练有素的蚂蚁被允许单独带食物回家,但是在他们进入巢穴之前被捕了。经过测试的蚂蚁被带到现在已经被覆盖的喂食器的位置,并在自然全景的各种变形下再次回家。在一个实验中,进纸器一侧的大视野被一块高大的塑料板遮挡。在第二个实验中,通过将蚂蚁升高或降低80厘米来改变地面物体的视觉高度。在两种变形下,蚂蚁都继续朝着正确的方向定向。事实证明,基于自然陆地全景图的导航对较大的失真具有鲁棒性。



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