首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >On the relationship between aggression and reproduction in pairs of orphaned worker bumblebees (Bombus impatiens)

On the relationship between aggression and reproduction in pairs of orphaned worker bumblebees (Bombus impatiens)


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This study characterized aggression and reproduction within pairs of orphaned bumblebee sisters (Bombus impatiens (Cresson, 1863)). Twenty-one pairs were filmed in the laboratory over 5-10 days. Frequencies of aggression and egg-laying were obtained for each bee, and the presence or absence of brood was manipulated. Aggression and egg-laying were more likely to co-occur in pairs placed without brood compared to pairs placed with brood. A significant positive correlation was found between members of a pair in the rates of aggression. In addition, a strong positive correlation was found in their rates of egg-laying: bees that had more sons also tended to have more nephews. The results show that under conditions of unrestricted food availability, behavioural interactions are compatible with continued reproduction by both orphaned workers. Though aggression may limit reproduction, it seems either to be an ineffective means of obtaining a reproductive monopoly in some situations and/or to be a set of behaviours invested with other possible functions.
机译:这项研究的特点是成对的孤立大黄蜂姐妹(Bombus impatiens(Cresson,1863))中的侵略和繁殖。在实验室的5-10天中对21对进行了拍摄。获得每只蜜蜂的侵略性和产卵频率,并控制是否存在育雏。与育雏配对相比,在没有育雏的配对中更容易发生侵略和产卵。发现一对成员之间的攻击率存在显着的正相关。此外,他们的产卵率之间存在很强的正相关:有更多儿子的蜜蜂也倾向于有更多的侄子。结果表明,在粮食供应不受限制的情况下,行为互动与两名孤儿的持续繁殖是相容的。尽管侵略可能会限制繁殖,但它似乎不是在某些情况下获得繁殖垄断的无效手段,和/或是其他可能的功能所投入的一系列行为。



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