首页> 外文期刊>Infant mental health journal >Screening for sustained social withdrawal behaviors in six-month-old infants during pediatric primary care visits: Results from an at-risk latino immigrant sample with high rates of maternal major depressive disorder

Screening for sustained social withdrawal behaviors in six-month-old infants during pediatric primary care visits: Results from an at-risk latino immigrant sample with high rates of maternal major depressive disorder


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To examine relations between infant social withdrawal behavior and maternal major depression (MDD), 155 mother-infant dyads were evaluated at the 6-month primary care visit. Maternal depression was determined based on a psychiatric interview. Infant social withdrawal behavior was assessed with the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB; A. Guedeney & J. Fermanian, 2001) based on videotaped mother-infant interactions. Of the sample, 18.7% of mothers were diagnosed with MDD, and 39.4% of infants scored above the clinical ADBB cutoff. Infants of depressed mothers were more likely to score positive on the ADBB (75.8 vs. 31.0%, p <.001) and showed distinct patterns of withdrawal behavior. Within the group of withdrawn infants, however, no differential patterns of behavior could be identified for infants of depressed mothers as compared to infants of mothers with no depression. These findings confirm the validity of the ADBB for detection of infant social withdrawal in the context of MDD. At the same time, they support evidence that the ADBB identifies nonspecific infant distress behaviors. Future studies will need to determine if and how positive ADBB screening results in the absence of maternal MDD might be associated with other maternal psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or borderline personality disorder. These results have important implications for screening guidelines in primary care.
机译:为了检查婴儿社交退缩行为与母体严重抑郁症(MDD)之间的关系,在6个月的初级保健就诊中评估了155个母婴二联体。产妇抑郁症是根据精神病学访谈确定的。婴儿社交退缩行为是根据录像的母婴互动情况使用警报窘迫婴儿量表(ADBB; A。Guedeney&J. Fermanian,2001)进行评估的。在样本中,有18.7%的母亲被诊断出患有MDD,而39.4%的婴儿得分超过了临床ADBB临界值。情绪低落的母亲的婴儿在ADBB上得分更高的可能性更高(分别为75.8和31.0%,p <.001),并且表现出明显的退缩行为模式。然而,与没有抑郁症的母亲的婴儿相比,在抑郁症的婴儿中,没有发现抑郁母亲的婴儿有不同的行为模式。这些发现证实了ADBB在MDD背景下检测婴儿社交退缩的有效性。同时,他们支持ADBB识别非特异性婴儿窘迫行为的证据。未来的研究将需要确定在没有孕产妇MDD的情况下,ADBB筛查是否阳性,以及如何与其他产妇精神病(如焦虑症或边缘性人格障碍)相关联。这些结果对初级保健筛查指南具有重要意义。



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