首页> 外文期刊>Inflammation research: Official journal of the European Histamine Research Society >Personal reflections on Sir James Black (1924-2010) and histamine.

Personal reflections on Sir James Black (1924-2010) and histamine.


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Sir James Black, Nobel laureate (1988), became interested in the role of histamine in gastric acid secretion in the early 1950s. In 1964, he joined the pharmaceutical company Smith Kline and French Laboratories at their English subsidiary to seek a new type of antagonist that would block those actions of histamine that were not blocked by mepyramine. No such compound was known and working with medicinal chemists it took four years to discover a lead compound. Further work provided the compound burimamide, which was used to define histamine H(2) receptors in 1972 for the first time, and to verify the action in human volunteers. Subsequent work led to the drug metiamide, which was withdrawn during early clinical trials. This was replaced by cimetidine, which was launched in 1977, as the first histamine H(2)-receptor antagonist and which revolutionized the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. The characterisation of a second type of histamine receptor revitalised interest in histamine and led to many later studies on the role of histamine in inflammation.
机译:1950年代初期,诺贝尔奖获得者詹姆斯·布莱克爵士(1988年)对组胺在胃酸分泌中的作用感兴趣。 1964年,他加入了史密斯·克莱恩(Smith Kline)和法国实验室(French Laboratories)制药公司在其英国子公司的业务,寻求一种新型的拮抗剂,该拮抗剂可以阻止那些未被美吡拉敏所阻止的组胺作用。尚无此类化合物,与药物化学家合作用了四年的时间发现了一种先导化合物。进一步的工作提供了化合物burimamide,该化合物在1972年首次用于定义组胺H(2)受体,并验证了人类志愿者的作用。随后的工作导致了药物甲酰胺,该药物在早期临床试验中被撤回。于1977年投放市场的西咪替丁是第一个组胺H(2)受体拮抗剂,它彻底改变了消化性溃疡疾病的治疗方法,从而取代了它。第二种类型的组胺受体的表征激发了人们对组胺的兴趣,并导致了许​​多有关组胺在炎症中作用的研究。



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