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Effects of catecholamine uptake blockers in the caudate-putamen and subregions of the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat.


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Altered dopamine regulation in the medial prefrontal cortex has been linked to drug abuse and disorders such as schizophrenia. Heterogeneous expression of the dopamine transporter, as well as the ability of the norepinephrine transporter to clear dopamine in the prefrontal cortex, delineates two potential sites for the regulation of synaptic dopamine within the cortex. The present study used in vivo microdialysis to compare the effects of local infusions of dopamine and norepinephrine uptake blockers in the caudate putamen and two subregions of the prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate and prelimbic/infralimbic cortices. Results revealed that all dopamine uptake blockers produced greater increases in dopamine efflux in the caudate-putamen relative to the prefrontal cortex. In addition, amphetamine administration increased dopamine efflux to a greater degree in the prelimbic, relative to the anterior cingulate, cortex. In contrast, the increase in dopamine efflux was similar in both subregions in the presence of nomifensine and desmethylimipramine. Infusions of the selective dopamine uptake blocker GBR 12909 failed to alter dopamine efflux in any prefrontocortical subregion. These data indicate a more prominent role for the dopamine transporter in the clearance of extracellular dopamine in the caudate-putamen relative to the prefrontal cortex and an important role for NET in the clearance of dopamine in both the prelimbic and anterior cingulate subregions of the rat medial prefrontal cortex.
机译:内侧前额叶皮层中多巴胺调节的改变与药物滥用和精神分裂症等疾病有关。多巴胺转运蛋白的异质表达,以及去甲肾上腺素转运蛋白清除前额叶皮层中多巴胺的能力,描绘了两个潜在的皮质突触多巴胺调节位点。本研究使用体内微透析法比较了在尾状壳和前额叶皮层的两个子区域(前扣带回和前缘/下缘皮层)中局部输注多巴胺和去甲肾上腺素摄取阻滞剂的效果。结果显示,相对于额叶前额叶皮层,所有多巴胺摄取阻滞剂在尾状-丘脑中都产生更大的多巴胺外排。另外,相对于前扣带回皮层,苯丙胺的给药在前缘更大程度地增加了多巴胺流出。相反,在存在诺米芬斯汀和去甲基米帕明的情况下,两个亚区域中多巴胺外排的增加相似。选择性多巴胺摄取阻滞剂GBR 12909的输注未能改变任何前额叶皮质区域的多巴胺流出。这些数据表明,相对于额叶前额叶皮层,多巴胺转运蛋白在尾状-丘脑中清除细胞外多巴胺中的作用更为显着,而NET在大鼠内侧前扣带和前扣带子区域中对多巴胺清除中的重要作用前额叶皮层。



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