首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Crops and Products >Seed filling patterns of safflower: Genotypic and seasonal variations and association with other agronomic traits

Seed filling patterns of safflower: Genotypic and seasonal variations and association with other agronomic traits


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Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) plants grown under Mediterranean environments are subjected to several biotic and abiotic stresses during the seed filling period that limit their production. The genotypic and seasonal variation in seed filling parameters and their association with agronomic traits were investigated in field experiments conducted for 2 years. A set of 10 safflower genotypes, which included hybrids and open pollinated varieties, was used. Seed filling rate (mg head-1 day-1) and duration (days) were calculated by using the cubic polynomial model. Data obtained indicated that this model could be successfully used to simulate the seed growth and to estimate the seed filling parameters in safflower genotypes with high coefficients of determination (r2) that ranged from 0.901 to 0.999. Seasonal differences were observed only for seed filling duration that was mainly determined by the sink size, as it was specified by the number of seeds per head. Greater sink size induced by higher head fertility (number of seeds per head) resulted in a longer seed filling duration. Genotypes differed greatly in seed filling rate. Seed yield and seed oil yield were significantly correlated with seed filling rate. More than 57% of the variation among genotypes in seed yield was due to the corresponding variation in seed filling rate. Increased seed filling rate improved dry matter partitioning to the seeds contributing to a higher harvest index. Results indicate that selection of genotypes with high seed filling rate could be a successful strategy to increase production of safflower grown under Mediterranean environments.
机译:在地中海环境下生长的红花(Carthamus tinctorius L.)植物在种子填充期间会受到多种生物和非生物胁迫,从而限制了其产量。在两年的田间试验中研究了种子填充参数的基因型和季节变化及其与农艺性状的关系。使用了一组10种红花基因型,包括杂种和开放授粉品种。使用三次多项式模型计算种子填充率(mg head -1 天 -1 )和持续时间(天)。获得的数据表明,该模型可以成功地用于模拟种子生长并估算具有高测定系数( r 2 )的红花基因型种子填充参数。从0.901到0.999。仅在种子填充期间观察到季节差异,该差异主要由水槽大小决定,因为它由每头种子的数量指定。较高的头育性(每头种子数)诱导更大的水槽大小,导致更长的种子填充时间。基因型在种子填充率上差异很大。种子产量和种子油产量与种子填充率显着相关。种子产量的基因型之间超过57%的变异是由于种子填充率的相应变异所致。增加的种子填充率改善了干物质向种子的分配,从而提高了收获指数。结果表明,选择具有高种子填充率的基因型可能是增加地中海环境下种植的红花产量的成功策略。



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