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Planting methods affect emergence, flowering and yield of spring oilseed crops in the US central High Plains


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Alternative types of planting methods can alter seed placement, and seedling growing conditions. These factors can affect establishment and seed yield of spring oilseed crops, evaluated in six growing environments of the U.S. central High Plains. Seeding with a hoe drill (HD) resulted in the best emergence and stand ratings, and earlier flowering. Emergence and stand ratings for seeding with a no-till drill (NT) were better than ratings for broadcast seeding (BC). Canola (Brassica napus L) had better stand rating and earlier flowering than Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj. & Cosson) and Camelina (Camelina sativa (L) Crantz), which were similar. Oilseed yield was limited by available water or heat stress at all experimental sites. At Colby, with good growing conditions in 2005, canola provided greatest yield (2180 kg ha(-1)). Relative productivity of the oilseed species shifted from canola to Camelina with warmer and drier growing conditions. Adapting spring oilseed germplasm to the U.S. central High Plains can focus on cold tolerance for emergence, intensive water extraction to avoid water stress, heat tolerance during flowering and increased harvest index and oil content. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:替代种植方式可以改变种子位置和幼苗生长条件。这些因素会影响春季油料作物的播种率和种子产量,在美国中部高平原的六个生长环境中进行了评估。用a头(HD)播种可使出苗率和树分评级最好,并较早开花。免耕播种(NT)的出苗率和林分评级优于播种播种(BC)的评级。与印度芥菜(芥蓝(C.Brassica juncea(L.)Czernj。&Cosson)和骆驼(Camelina sativa(L)Crantz)相比,芥花油菜(Brassica napus L)具有更好的评级和更早的开花。在所有实验地点,油籽产量受可用水或热胁迫的限制。在Colby,2005年的生长条件良好,双低油菜籽的产量最高(2180 kg ha(-1))。油菜种类的相对生产力从油菜向卡梅利纳转变,且生长条件更加干燥。使春季油料种子种质适应美国中部高平原地区可以集中精力应对发芽的耐寒性,大量抽水以避免水分胁迫,开花期间的耐热性以及增加的采收指数和含油量。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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