首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Weed management studies in maize based intercropping systems

Weed management studies in maize based intercropping systems


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A field experiment was conducted during kharif seasons of 1998 and 1999 at Agricultural Research Station, Kumher, Bharatpur, Rajasthan to assess the efficacy of herbicides in different maize based intercropping systems. Repeated hand weeding proved most effective in reducing weed growth and in increasing crop production. Pre-planting application of fluchloralin at 0.75 kg ha~(-1) was at par with hand weeding. The maximum maize equivalent (4250 kg ha~(-1)) was obtained due to fluchloralin with planting geometry of maize paired row+blackgram in 2 : 2 ratio. Intercropping systems reduced the weed biomass. The lowest weed density was recorded in paired row planting in 2 : 3 and 2 : 2 (maize+blackgram) intercropping system. Maize paired row+blackgram in2 : 2 ratio in combination with fluchloralin at 0.75 kg ha~(-1) was found to be the most economical.
机译:在1998年和1999年的卡里夫季期间,在拉贾斯坦邦巴拉特普尔的库默尔农业研究站进行了田间试验,以评估除草剂在不同玉米间作系统中的功效。事实证明,反复人工除草对减少杂草生长和增加农作物产量最有效。氟氯林在0.75 kg ha〜(-1)的种植前施用与人工除草相当。由于氟氯林具有以2:2的比例成对成对的玉米和黑麦草的种植几何形状,因此获得了最大玉米当量(4250 kg ha〜(-1))。间作系统减少了杂草的生物量。在2:3和2:2(玉米+黑麦)间作系统中,成对种植的杂草密度最低。发现玉米配对排+黑糖以2:2的比例与氟氯林配成0.75 kg ha〜(-1)是最经济的。



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