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Integrated weed management in cotton in cotton-wheat system


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The field experiment was conducted during the kharif seasons of 1996 and 1997. Cyperus rotundas, Cynodon dactylon, Trianthema monogyna, Cyperus iria and Panicum spp. were the dominant weeds. Out of 10 weed control treatments, when averaged over boththe years, the maximum cotton yield of 1140 kg ha~(-1) was obtained in hand weeding 30 and 60 DAS and was at par with pendimethalin 1 kg ha~(-1) fb hand weeding 30 DAS and alachlor 2 kg ha~(-1) fb hand weeding 30 DAS. Minimum cotton yield of 798 kg ha~(-1) was obtained in weedy check. Cotton is reported to be most sensitive to crop weed competition and the yield loss due to weeds ranges from 30 to 70 percent. Weed competition is one of the important constraints in cotton cultivation. There were many methods adopted for control of weeds in the field and chemical method of weed control has proved to be the best. However, satisfactory control of weeds cannot be achieved by using any one method alone. Pre-emergence application of herbicides would be appropriate for minimizing only the early weed competition and problem of late emerging weeds is more serious (Patil et al, 1997). The present investigation was carried out with a view to find out the optimum dose of herbicides for weed control in cotton andits residual effect on wheat crop.
机译:田间试验在1996年和1997年的卡里夫季节进行。圆形莎草,Cynodon dactylon,Monanthema monogyna,莎草莎草和Panicum spp。是占主导地位的杂草。在这10年的除草处理中,如果将这两个年度平均,则在30和60 DAS的人工除草中可获得最大的棉花产量1140 kg ha〜(-1),与二甲戊灵1 kg ha〜(-1)fb相当。手工除草30 DAS和甲草胺2 kg ha〜(-1)fb手工除草30 DAS。通过杂草检查获得的最低棉花产量为798 kg ha〜(-1)。据报道,棉花对农作物杂草竞争最为敏感,杂草导致的单产损失在30%至70%之间。杂草竞争是棉花种植的重要限制之一。在该领域中有许多用于控制杂草的方法,化学除草方法被证明是最好的。然而,仅通过使用任何一种方法都不能实现令人满意的杂草控制。出苗前施用除草剂仅适合于将早期杂草的竞争减至最低,而后期出苗的杂草问题则更为严重(Patil等,1997)。进行本研究的目的是找出用于控制棉花杂草的最佳除草剂剂量及其对小麦作物的残留作用。



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