首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Effect of Doses and Stages of Application of Sulfosulfuron on Weeds and Wheat Yield

Effect of Doses and Stages of Application of Sulfosulfuron on Weeds and Wheat Yield


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Weed control efficacy of sulfosulfuron at 20 g ha~(-1) was less than at 25 g ha~(-1) Sulfosulfuron applied before first irrigation (20 DAS) had more density of Phalaris minor than application after first irrigation (30 DAS). Grain yield was significantly higher due to application of sulfosulfuron at 25 g ha~(-1) than at 20 g ha~(-1), irrespective of stages of application, Sulfosulfuron at 25 g ha~(-1) applied at 30 DAS, clodinafop-propargyl at 60 g ha~(-1), fenoxaprop-p-ethyl at 90 g ha~(-1), both with follow up application of 2, 4-D, and isoproturon at 1.0 kg ha~(-1) produced grain yields similar to that of weed-free treatment.
机译:在20 g ha〜(-1)时磺草隆的除草效果小于2​​5 g ha〜(-1)时,在第一次灌溉(20 DAS)之前施用的磺草隆比在第一次灌溉(30 DAS)施用的草minor密度更高。 。不论施用阶段如何,在25 g ha〜(-1)施用磺胺磺隆比在20 g ha〜(-1)施用时,在30 DAS下施用25 g ha〜(-1)的磺磺隆,60 g ha〜(-1)的clodinafop-propargyl,90 g ha〜(-1)的fenoxaprop-p-ethyl,以及后续的2、4-D和1.0 kg ha〜(-)异丙隆的应用1)产生的谷物产量与无杂草处理相似。



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