首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Efficacy and Economics of Weed Management Practices in Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) under Rainfed Conditions

Efficacy and Economics of Weed Management Practices in Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) under Rainfed Conditions

机译:雨养条件下Blackgram(Vigna mungo L.)杂草管理实践的功效和经济学

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Pre-plant or pre-emergence application of trifluraiin at 0.50 kg ha~(-1) supplemented with one hand hoeing at 30 days stage provided effective control of weeds and significantly increased seed yield of blackgram over weedy check, one hand hoeing or application of herbicides alone. Higher dose of herbicides alone did not improve weed control or seed yield further compared to their lower dose. The highest net return and B : C ratio were registered with pre-emergence application of trifluralin at 0.50 kg ha~(-1)+one HW followed by pre-plant application of trifluralin at 0.50 kg ha~(-1)+one HW. Yield and profit with pendimethalin were less due to lower yield and higher cost of herbicide.
机译:在30天阶段预先种植或出苗前施用0.50 kg ha〜(-1)的氟脲补充一只手provided除杂草,单手or或施用of草可以有效地控制杂草,并显着增加黑seed的种子产量。单独使用除草剂。与较低剂量的除草剂相比,单独使用较高剂量的除草剂不能进一步改善杂草控制或种子产量。出苗前施用氟乐灵在0.50 kg ha〜(-1)+1个HW下记录最高净收益率和B:C比值。 。由于除草剂产量较低且成本较高,二甲戊乐灵的收率和利润较低。



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