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Effect of P and S application on yield and nutrient uptake in potato


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Potato is an important food as well as vegetable crop of the world, producing more weight and calories per unit area compared to other food crops (Das, 8). The increase of applied P increases potato yield and tuber grade (Singh, 15). Ramamurthy and Susheela Devi (13) reported that sulphur application increased tuber yield significantly and S content in potato. Antagonistic relationship between P and S has been reported in soils and plants and likewise they influence the yields of crop differently. Several workers have reported that P X S interaction is synergestic at low medium levels of P and antagonistic only at higher levels, usually at 60 kg or more of P_2O_5/ha for field crops (Ali, 1; Aulakh et al., 2 and 3; Pasricha et al., 11). Hence, an experiment was conducted to find out the effect of P and S on yield and uptake of N, P and S by potato.
机译:马铃薯是世界上重要的粮食和蔬菜作物,与其他粮食作物相比,单位面积产生的重量和卡路里更多(Das,8)。施磷量的增加可提高马铃薯的产量和块茎等级(Singh,15)。 Ramamurthy和Susheela Devi(13)报道,硫的施用显着提高了马铃薯的块茎产量和S含量。在土壤和植物中已经报道了磷和硫之间的拮抗关系,同样它们对作物的产量也有不同的影响。一些工人报告说,PXS交互作用在中等水平的P水平下是协同作用的,而仅在较高水平时才具有拮抗作用,对于大田作物,PXS相互作用通常达到60 kg或更多的P_2O_5 / ha(Ali,1; Aulakh等,2和3; Pasricha)。等,11)。因此,进行了一项实验,以研究磷和硫对马铃薯产量和氮,磷和硫吸收的影响。



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