首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Genetic variability, correlations and path coefficient analysis in okra under Kashmir conditions

Genetic variability, correlations and path coefficient analysis in okra under Kashmir conditions


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Okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.] is one of the important vegetable crops grown for its tender green fruits during summer seasons in Kashmir valley. It has high nutritive value and export potential. To improve the yield and other characters,information on genetic variability and inter-relationship among different traits is necessary. The improvement in any crop is proportional to the magnitude of its genetic variability present in the germplasm (Dhankhar and Dhankhar, 5). High heritabilityalone is not enough to make efficient selection in segregating generation, unless the information is accompanied for substantial amount of genetic advance (Johnson et al., 7). Yield, which is a dependent character, is the resultant effect of a number ofcomponent characters, but direct selection for yield is often misleading and hence knowledge of inter-relationship between pairs of these characters and yield is essential to bring a rational improvement in the desirable traits. Further, path coefficientanalysis is helpful in partitioning the observed correlation coefficient in to direct and indirect effects and their effective use in selection programme. Keeping this in view, the present investigation was aimed at assessing the genetic variability, association of different characters and to study the path coefficient analysis for yield improvement in okra.
机译:黄秋葵[Abelmoschus esculentus(L.)Moench。]是夏季重要的蔬菜作物之一,其夏季喀什米尔山谷的绿色水果柔嫩。它具有很高的营养价值和出口潜力。为了提高产量和其他性状,需要有关不同性状之间的遗传变异和相互关系的信息。任何作物的改良都与种质中遗传变异的大小成正比(Dhankhar和Dhankhar,5)。单独的高遗传力不足以在分离世代中进行有效选择,除非该信息伴随着大量的遗传进展(Johnson等,7)。产量是一个从属特征,它是许多组成特征的结果,但是直接选择产量常常会产生误导,因此,对成对的这些特征与产量之间的相互关系的了解对于合理改进所需品种至关重要。特质。此外,路径系数分析有助于将观察到的相关系数划分为直接效应和间接效应,并将其有效地用于选择程序中。鉴于此,本研究旨在评估遗传变异性,不同性状的关联以及研究秋葵的单产提高的路径系数分析。



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