首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Horticulture >Studies on bunch stem necrosis disorder in grape in Maharashtra

Studies on bunch stem necrosis disorder in grape in Maharashtra


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Bunch stem necrosis disorder in grapevines occurs worldwide and is also called 'water berry' in California, 'shanking' in New Zealand and 'stiellahme' in Germany. Brown necrotic zones along the bunch stem (peduncle) are formed beyond which berries ripen poorly and whither. The large and unpredictable variations in bunch stem necrosis incidence occur between years and regions (Holzapfel and Coombe, 3). There are reports of severe yield losses (Theiler and Muller, 9) and lowered wine quality. The causes of the disorder are not fully understood yet and conflicting reports have been published from different parts of the world. Weinhaus (10) attributed the causes to Ca plus Mg deficiency using respiratory inhibitors like fluoro-acetic acid. Satyanarayana and Shikhamany (8) indicated that defective Ca assimilation by fruits is responsible for this disorder in Anab-e-Shahi grape. Kassimatis (4) concluded that this condition was directly related to occlusion of xylem vessels in pedicel to become necroticand dying up of berries. Recently, this disorder has also become a serious problem in Maharashtra, causing yield losses up to 30-40 percent. Therefore, studies were undertaken to find out the causes of bunch stem necrosis.
机译:葡萄树的茎干坏死病在世界范围内普遍发生,在加利福尼亚州也被称为“水浆果”,在新西兰也被称为“小腿”,在德国也被称为“ stiellahme”。沿束茎(花序梗)形成褐色坏死区,浆果越成熟越差。束茎坏死发生率的巨大且不可预测的变化发生在年份和地区之间(Holzapfel和Coombe,3)。有报告称,产量严重下降(Theiler和Muller,9)并降低了葡萄酒的品质。这种疾病的原因尚未完全弄清,世界各地也发表了相互矛盾的报道。 Weinhaus(10)将其原因归因于使用呼吸抑制剂如氟乙酸引起的钙和镁缺乏。 Satyanarayana和Shikhamany(8)指出,Anab-e-Shahi葡萄中这种水果引起的钙同化不良是造成这种疾病的原因。卡西马蒂斯(Kassimatis)(4)得出结论,这种情况与花梗中木质部血管的阻塞直接相关,从而导致坏死和浆果死亡。最近,这种疾病在马哈拉施特拉邦也已成为严重的问题,导致产量损失高达30%至40%。因此,进行了研究以找出束茎坏死的原因。



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