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An overview of orchid research and development in India


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Floriculture has emerged as a major area of agribusiness in recent years. India produces annually about 2.07 lakh metric tonnes of loose flowers and 50 crore number of cut flowers. The International trade on floriculture is estimated at about five billion dollars per annum, of which India's share is only 10 million dollars. Though India's presence in the world market has been negligible, it is all set to expand rapidly with increased production and addition of specific items like orchids. In India,nearly 94,000 hectares of land is under floriculture out of which nearly 98 percent of area is under open grown traditional flowers and only 2 percent of the area is under cut flowers in protected cultivation. The domestic trade is worth Rs. 350 crorescomprising of loose flowers (rose, chrysanthemum, marigold, jasmine, crossandra, china aster etc.) and cut flowers (rose, chrysanthemum and gerbera) grown in open field conditions. The present exports stand at Rs. 150 crores contributed mostly by greenhouse grown roses followed by carnations, orchids, gerberas and anthuriums. The exports are poised to grow to Rs. 500 crores by the end of Tenth Five Year Plan, whereas the domestic flower trade is poised to grow to Rs. 750 crores.
机译:近年来,花卉种植已成为农业综合企业的主要领域。印度每年生产约20.7亿公吨散花和5亿朵切花。据估计,国际花艺贸易每年约为50亿美元,其中印度的份额仅为1000万美元。尽管印度在世界市场上的存在微不足道,但随着产量的增加和兰花等特殊产品的添加,印度的市场都将迅速扩大。在印度,近94,000公顷的土地上进行花艺种植,其中近98%的土地上种植了传统栽培的开放式传统花卉,而只有2%的土地上的花进行了保护性种植。国内贸易价值卢比。 350千万英亩,包括开阔地条件下生长的散花(玫瑰,菊花,万寿菊,茉莉花,crossandra,中国翠菊等)和切花(玫瑰,菊花和非洲菊)。目前的出口额为卢比。 150亿卢比主要来自温室种植的玫瑰,其次是康乃馨,兰花,非洲菊和红掌。出口有望增长到卢比。到第十个五年计划结束时将达到50亿卢比,而国内花卉贸易则有望增长到卢比。 75亿



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