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Declining reliance on medical history and physical examination by the medical students.


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To the Editor: I read with interest the article on the "Decline of the medical history and physical examination" by Aid KF and colleagues [1]. I agree with the authors that the teaching of history taking, physical examination and rational thinking should begin in the medical schools. However many efforts have been' made to reform the medical curriculum but these have been unsuccessful in producing changes in the training of medical students. This is because they do not pay any attention to the hidden curriculum which is an important concept in any professional education including medical education. The hidden curriculum consists of what is implicitly taught by example day-to-day, not the explicit teaching of lectures, grand rounds and seminars [2]. Physician role models affect the attitudes, practices and ethics of medical learners and foster professional values in trainees.
机译:致编辑:我感兴趣地阅读了Aid KF及其同事关于“病史和体格检查的下降”的文章[1]。我同意作者的观点,历史记录,体格检查和理性思维的教学应从医学院开始。然而,已经进行了许多努力来改革医学课程,但是这些努力未能成功地改变医学生的培训。这是因为他们不注意隐藏的课程,而隐藏的课程是任何专业教育(包括医学教育)中的重要概念。隐藏的课程包括日常示例所隐含的内容,而不是讲座,大回合和研讨会的显式内容[2]。医师的榜样会影响医学学习者的态度,做法和道德规范,并在受训者中培养专业价值。



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