首页> 外文期刊>Indian Phytopathology >Post-infectional phenolic changes in maize due to Rhizoctonia solani f. sp. sasakii causing banded leaf and sheath blight.

Post-infectional phenolic changes in maize due to Rhizoctonia solani f. sp. sasakii causing banded leaf and sheath blight.

机译:由于茄根枯病引起的玉米感染后酚类变化。 sp。 sasakii 引起条带化和叶枯病。

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A basic study was undertaken to find out the possible role of the phenolics involved in resistance against banded leaf and sheath blight of maize. The phenolic content in all cultivars of maize increased after infection. This increase was more pronounced in resistant cultivars as compared to susceptible cultivars. The highest increase (32.14%) in accumulation of phenolics was noticed in diseased leaves of genotype BVM-4 infected with the Rf isolate. Accumulation of total phenol in diseased leaves of 10 genotypes against 5 isolates of R. solani varied from 119.67 to 160.33 micro g/g fresh weight and in healthy leaves 111.66-124.33 micro g/g fresh weight. Further analysis of the data revealed that the disease severity was negatively correlated with the accumulation of phenol having coefficient of correlation r=-0.83.
机译:进行了一项基础研究,以发现酚类化合物可能对玉米的带叶枯萎和白叶枯病产生抗性。感染后,所有玉米品种中的酚含量增加。与易感品种相比,抗性品种的这种增加更为明显。在感染了 Rf 分离株的BVM-4基因型患病叶片中,酚类物质的积累最高(32.14%)。 10种基因型患病叶片中5种分离的iR的总酚含量。 solani 在119.67至160.33微克/克鲜重之间变化,而在健康叶子中,其111.66-124.33微克/克鲜重之间变化。数据的进一步分析表明,疾病严重程度与相关系数为r = -0.83的苯酚的积累呈负相关。



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