首页> 外文会议>Asian Regional Maize Workshop >Inheritance of Resistance to Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani f. sp. sasakii) of Maize (Zea mays L.)

Inheritance of Resistance to Banded Leaf and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani f. sp. sasakii) of Maize (Zea mays L.)

机译:玉米(Zea Mays L.)的抗抵抗力叶和鞘枯萎病(Rhizoctonia solani f. sc. sasakii)



One of the main deterrents to high grain yield in maize is its susceptibility to several diseases. Banded leaf and Sheath blight (BLSB) caused by Rhizoctonia solani .(f- sp. sasakii) has become a serious threat to its cultivation in the north -westernplains of India. The pathogen spreads from the basal sheath to the developing ear under favorable environmental conditions. The developing ear is completely damaged and dries up prematurely with caking of husk leaves. The main objective was to work outthe inheritance of resistance to this biotic stress. Inheritance of resistance to BLSB was studied based on the analysis of 10 crosses. Eight crosses were between 2 resistant (CM104 and CML1) and 4 susceptible inbred lines (Tarun x- 36-1-1-1-2-1-4, D741x- 1-1-1-10-4-4, Pop31 x-21-1-2-4-1-1-5-1/13 # and Tarun x- 252-1-2-2-1-2-1). In addition, one resistant x resistant and one susceptible x susceptible cross was also studied. Parents, F_1'S, F_2's,and backcrosses, were included in the present study. Final evaluation was undertaken under artificially created epiphytotic conditions. The F_2 segregation pattern for BLSB reaction was15:l in crosses involving CM 104 as the resistant parent, and 13:3 in crosses involving CML1 as the resistant parent. The BC_1P_1 segregation pattern exhibited a 3:1 ratio. The resistant x resistant and susceptible x susceptible crosses followed all: 0 and 0: all for resistance and susceptibility, respectively. The F_2 segregation analysis of eight susceptible x resistant crosses revealed that resistance was governed by two genes. The BLSB reaction in F_2 and backcrosses involving CM 104 and susceptible lines suggested that resistance in CM 104 was controlled by duplicate dominant genes while crosses of CML1 showed dominanceand recessive interaction.
机译:玉米高籽粒产量的主要威慑之一是其对几种疾病的易感性。由Rhizoctonia Solani引起的带状叶和鞘枯萎(BLSB)。(F-SP.Sasakii)对其在印度北海的培养成为严重威胁。病原体在良好的环境条件下从基部护套到显影耳朵。显影耳完全损坏并过早地用壳叶子过早磨损。主要目标是突破抵抗这种生物应激的遗传。基于10次交叉的分析研究了对BLSB抵抗的遗传。八个十字架在2个抗性(CM104和CML1)和4个易感自交线之间(Tarun X-36-1-1-2-1-4,D741x-1-1-10-4-4,Pop31 x之间-21-1-2-4-1-1-5-1 / 13#和tarun x-252-1-2-2-1-2-1)。此外,还研究了一种抗性X抗性和一个易感X易感十字。父母,f_1,f_2和backcrosses被包括在本研究中。在人工创造的又骨质条件下进行最终评估。用于BlSB反应的F_2分离模式为15:L,涉及CM 104作为抗父母的横向,13:3涉及CML1作为耐药父母。 BC_1P_1分离模式表现出3:1的比例。抗性X抗性和易感X易感交叉,均为:0和0:所有用于阻力和易感性。八个易受X抗性十字架的F_2分离分析显示阻力受到两个基因的控制。涉及CM 104和易感线的F_2和横频中的BLSB反应表明CM 104的阻力由副拷贝的显性基因控制,而CML1的横跨显示DOMACACRAND隐性相互作用。



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