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Identifying sources of resistance to banded leaf and sheath blight of maize.


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Forty maize inbred lines (Delhi Breeding Lines) were screened for resistance to banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB) caused by Rhizoctonia solani under artificial epiphytotic condition during kharif 2005 in New Delhi, India. Observations on disease intensity were recorded 45 days after inoculation following a 1-5 rating scale (1 indicating non coalescent lesions limited to one sheath and 5 coalescent lesions covering up to ear and above or prematured death of plants) devised by Ajuha and Payak. Entries with disease rating 1.0-2.0 were classified as resistant, 2.1-4.0 as intermediate and 4.1-5.0 as susceptible. Ten were found susceptible (4.1-5.0) and thirty moderately resistant (2.1-4.0). None were found showing resistant reaction to BLSB, indicating paucity of resistant genotypes or higher virulence of the pathogen or both. Lines showing intermediate disease reaction of 2.5-3.0 score remained healthy till maturity.
机译:筛选了40份玉米自交系(Delhi育种系),以了解在2005年印度新德里举行的人工附生条件下 Rhizoctonia solani 引起的条带叶枯萎病(BLSB)的抗性。在接种后45天,按照Ajuha和Payak制定的1-5等级量表(1表示非结缔性病灶仅限于一个鞘,而5个结缔性病灶覆盖到耳朵上方和上方或植物过早死亡),记录病害强度。疾病评级为1.0-2.0的条目被分类为抗药性,2.1-4.0的分类为中级,4.1-5.0的分类为易感。发现十人易感(4.1-5.0),三十人中度抗性(2.1-4.0)。没有发现对BLSB具有抗性反应,表明缺乏抗性基因型或病原体的毒力更高或两者兼有。表现出2.5-3.0分的中间疾病反应的品系保持健康直至成熟。



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