首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics >Effect of pre-irradiation deformation on thermoluminescence of divalent impurity doped alkali halide crystals

Effect of pre-irradiation deformation on thermoluminescence of divalent impurity doped alkali halide crystals


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The effect of pre-irradiation deformation on the thermoluminescence (TL) of alkali halide crystals has been reported. The pre-irradiation deformation causes increase in the thermoluminescence intensity corresponding to both the TL glow peaks of alkali halide crystals. The dependence of TL intensity corresponding to first and second TL peaks on pre-irradiation deformation follows the relations. I_(m_1)=I_(m_1)~O exp (#zeta##epsilon#) and I_(m_1)=I_(m_2)~O exp #zeta##epsilon#. respectively. It is shown that the dislocation debris created during prior deformation of crystals trap the interstitials, which causes decrease in the probability of back reaction.i.c., the recombination between interstitials and vacancies. This results increase in the probability of the formation of stable F-centres. Consequently. for the same radiation doses given to the crystals. The density of F-centres and thereby the TL intensity increases with the pre-irradiation deformation of alkali halide crystals.
机译:已经报道了预辐射变形对碱金属卤化物晶体的热致发光(TL)的影响。辐照前的变形导致对应于碱金属卤化物晶体的两个TL辉光峰的热致发光强度增加。对应于第一和第二TL峰的TL强度对预辐照变形的依赖性遵循以下关系。 I_(m_1)= I_(m_1)〜O exp(#zeta ## epsilon#)和I_(m_1)= I_(m_2)〜O exp#zeta ## epsilon#。分别。结果表明,在晶体先验变形期间产生的位错碎片会俘获间隙,从而降低了后反应的可能性,即间隙与空位之间的复合。这导致形成稳定的F中心的可能性增加。所以。给予晶体相同的辐射剂量。 F中心的密度以及TL强度随碱金属卤化物晶体的预辐照变形而增加。



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