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COMPOUND FACTORS: A great tyre can add plenty to a performance car, and creating the right rubber can combine art science and an ex-F1 star


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The scene before us could be out of some earthquake-inspired disaster movie: six lanes of arrow-straight road and a bunch of cars, pick-ups and SUVs weaving about as if Richter scale-seven tremors were wrinkling the asphalt. From where I'm sitting it looks dramatic, especially for the occupants of the Japanese crew-cab pick-up that appears to be snaking towards a panel-smashing moment. But experts are driving these cars, and our location is not an interstate straddling the San Andreas fault line but a test track south of Rome. This is one of Bridgestone's tyre testing facilities, and the cars are all performing lane change manoeuvres. Soon I'll be doing the same aboard a 302bhp BMW335i with 46-year-old former F1 driver Stefano Modena, a veteran of 81 grands prix.
机译:我们面前的场景可能出自一些受地震启发的灾难电影:六条箭头直路和一堆汽车,皮卡和SUV编织着,好像里氏七级地震正在使沥青起皱。从我坐着的地方看,它看起来很戏剧性,特别是对于日本乘务员小乘飞机的乘员而言,这似乎是在向面板砸碎的时刻弯下腰。但是专家们正在驾驶这些汽车,我们的位置不是跨在圣安地列斯断层线上的州际公路,而是在罗马以南的测试跑道。这是普利司通的轮胎测试设施之一,所有汽车都在进行换道操作。很快,我将与46岁的前F1车手斯特凡诺·摩德纳(Stefano Modena)一起在302bhp的BMW335i上做同样的事情,他是81名大奖赛的老手。



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