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Caterham Seven: Mileage 3650 Familiarity breeds contentment with Caterham's less frenetic Seven


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Dwelling on the Super sport's rivals isn't something I like doing. It smacks of unfaithfulness, like eyeing up bridesmaids on the morning of your wedding, but mercifully there are few to consider at the price. Some time ago we road tested a Westfield Sport Turbo and, guiltily, I rather liked it. Where the Seven looks like a rubber fetishist's rabbit hutch with the roof up, Cater ham’s closest rival looks damned near good under canvas. But with its slacker chassis and grouchy turbocharged lump, the Westfield is a duller thing to drive. Shoutier, cheaper and chestier, yes, and certainly not unlikeable. But not quite the real deal.
机译:我不喜欢住在超级运动的竞争对手身上。这有点不忠,就像在婚礼的早晨抬头看伴娘一样,但有幸的是,没有什么值得考虑的。前段时间,我们对Westfield Sport Turbo进行了路试,很遗憾,我宁愿喜欢它。七人房看起来像橡胶的恋物癖者的兔子笼子,屋顶朝上,而凯特汉姆(Cater ham)的最亲密竞争对手则在画布下显得不错。但是,凭借其较为宽松的底盘和笨拙的涡轮增压块,Westfield的驾驶变得更加沉闷。大声一点,便宜又便宜,是的,当然也不难避免。但是,这并不是真正的交易。



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