
Jaguar XKR-S

机译:Xagyr XKR-S

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FIRST REPORT Will an XKR turned up to 11 prove too loud to live with? We have six months to find out. The brochure describes the XKR-S as Jaguar's "fastest, most powerful ever production car". But unless my memory has gone on the blink, I'd beg to differ - because although it was quite a few years ago (way back in 1993, in fact), I distinctly remember road testing a Jaguar that could do 220mph. And it was called, guess what, the XJ220. What's significant, however, is that although Jaguar's top speed claim for the XKR-S may be somewhat clouded by hyperbole (chiefly because the car has been tethered electronically to a mere 186mph), its power claim actually stands up. Because the supercharged V8 XKR-S does indeed develop exactly the same amount of power as the XJ220: 542bhp. I find that faintly astonishing, given how much more civilised the XKR-S is intended to be, even if it is 20 years the younger.
机译:第一份报告XKR调高到11会不会太大声以至于无法忍受?我们有六个月的时间来找出答案。手册将XKR-S描述为捷豹的“有史以来最快,最强大的量产车”。但是除非我的记忆力转瞬即逝,否则我会提出不同的意见,因为尽管它已经有好几年了(实际上早在1993年),但我清楚地记得对捷豹进行了时速220英里/小时的路测。它被称为XJ220。然而,重要的是,尽管捷豹XKR-S的最高速度要求可能因夸张而有些模糊(主要是因为该车已通过电子方式拴系到仅186英里/小时),但其功率要求却确实站了起来。因为增压的V8 XKR-S确实可以产生与XJ220完全相同的功率:542bhp。考虑到XKR-S的目标是要文明得多,即使它年轻了20岁,我还是感到非常惊讶。



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