首页> 外文期刊>Brain research >N-type calcium channel blockers - tools for modulation of cerebral functional units?

N-type calcium channel blockers - tools for modulation of cerebral functional units?


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According to in vitro and in vivo studies, the direct application of N-type calcium channel blockers as for instance omega-conotoxin GVIA (omega-ctx) potently inhibits the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine. To find out whether this effect could be used for modulation of neurological functions, omega-ctx was used for continuous infusion into the functionally well characterized rat striatum. Over the 2-week time course of intrastriatal application, rats developed a decrease in spontaneous motor activity, spontaneous rotational asymmetry towards the side of application, and behavioral supersensitivity to apomorphine. After the end of infusion period, all functional deficits showed reversibility. The pattern of spontaneous neurological deficits - in particular supersensitivity to apomorphine - points to a substantial unilateral alteration of dopaminergic transmission due to omega-ctx, which is suggested also by an increase in dopamine receptor protein expression within the ipsilateral striatum. Time course and reversibility of neurological deficits caused by omega-ctx, as well as a lack of dopamine depletion contrast findings after selective destruction of dopaminergic neurons and support a functional modulation of dopaminergic transmission. The present study suggests that omega-ctx is an effective potent tool for the unilateral and reversible intracerebral modulation of neuronal circuits. Intracerebral application of omega-ctx could possibly open the way to therapeutic interventions.



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