首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Protection >Biopesticides for management of nematodes in horticultural crops.

Biopesticides for management of nematodes in horticultural crops.


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Horticultural crops are affected by Meloidogyne spp., Heterodera spp., Globodera spp, Pratylenchus spp., Radopholus similis, Tylenchulus semipenetrans and a few eco-parasites. The loss in the yields of horticultural crops in India due to these nematodes would be to the tune of 12-24%. Efforts of nematologists resulted in the development of methods for the management of these nematodes using insecticides. However, these methods proved to be expensive, besides being hazardous to the agro-ecosystems. Hence efforts were made to standardize the methods by the use of nematode biocontrol agents such as Pochonia chlamydosporia, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Bioefficacy data of these bionematicides have been generated on tomato, capsicum, brinjal, okra, papaya, banana, acid lime, carnations, gladioli, tuberose and some other crops, in more than three seasons under experimental field conditions of this institute. The rhizospheric competency of these bionematicides in above mentioned crops rhizosphere was studied including the developed methods of application. Subsequently, efforts were made to standardize a protocol for mass production of these bionematicides. The formulation was evaluated against nematodes infecting tomato, capsicum, brinjal, okra, papaya, banana, acid lime, carnations, gladioli and tuberose under farmer field conditions. Further, efforts were made for inclusion of nematophagous fungi (bioagents) in the schedule of Ministry of Agriculture, through the Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee (CIB & RC). The toxicological data on primary culture and formulation were also generated with the collaboration of International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology, Chennai, India. Based on the experimental data Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, approved for the provisional registration (9-3-b) of these bionematicides. Technology of the mass production of these bionematicides has been transferred to more than 20 private entrepreneurs in India.
机译:园艺作物受到Meloidogyne spp。,Heterodera spp。,Globodera spp。,Pratylenchus spp。,Radophoholus similis,Tylenchulus semipenetrans和一些生态寄生虫的影响。由于这些线虫,印度园艺作物的产量损失约为12-24%。线虫学家的努力导致开发了使用杀虫剂处理这些线虫的方法。但是,这些方法不仅对农业生态系统有害,而且价格昂贵。因此,努力通过使用线虫生物防治剂如衣原体波希尼亚菌,淡淡拟青霉,哈茨木霉和荧光假单胞菌来标准化方法。这些杀虫剂的生物功效数据是在该研究所的实验田间条件下,在超过三个季节的时间内对番茄,辣椒,茄子,秋葵,木瓜,香蕉,酸橙,康乃馨,剑兰,晚香玉和其他一些农作物产生的。研究了这些生物杀线虫剂在上述作物根际中的根际能力,包括发达的应用方法。随后,努力标准化用于大规模生产这些生物杀线虫剂的方案。在农民田间条件下,评估了该制剂的抗线虫感染番茄,辣椒,茄子,秋葵,木瓜,香蕉,酸橙,康乃馨,剑兰和晚香玉的能力。此外,通过中央杀虫剂委员会和登记委员会(CIB&RC),努力将线虫真菌(生物制剂)纳入农业部的日程。在印度钦奈国际生物技术和毒理学研究所的合作下,还获得了有关原代培养和配方的毒理学数据。根据实验数据,农业部中央杀虫剂委员会和注册委员会批准对这些生物杀线虫剂进行临时注册(9-3-b)。这些生物杀线虫剂的大规模生产技术已转让给印度的20多家私营企业家。



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