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Scope for organic wastes as eco-friendly materials in crop protection.


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Researchers have been looking for safe alternative materials, especially those based on organic matter because of several hazards associated with the use of chemicals. Both in urban and rural India, organic wastes are largely burnt or left to rot in situ. India generates enormous quantities of wastes every year. Indian garbage, which consists of 85 per cent organic matter, offers an opportunity to convert it into useful crop nutrients as well as plant protection materials. Historically, through the knowledge contained in Vrikshayurveda, organic wastes of animal origin were most commonly used for nutrition and plant protection. In addition, herbs processed in liquid wastes of animals were used for plant protection. Cow dung manure and liquid manure from animal wastes called kunapajala were used universally. Kunapajala can be prepared from (i) slaughterhouse wastes (flesh, hair, fat, horns, skin bits), (U) dairy wastes (residual milk, spoiled milk, cattle dung and wine, whey, etc) (iii) fishery wastes (leftover fish parts, dried fish wastes, and fish wash), (iv) poultry wastes (spoiled eggs, dead chicks, husk coated with excreta, feathers), (v) sugar/jaggery factories (molasses, cane trash), (vi) some material from tannery wastes, although presence of chromium in leather factory wastes makes the material objectionable (vii) garbage including night soil (city kitchens, septic tanks), (viii) non-edible oilcakes, and (ix) wastes from food processing factories. Utilization of organic wastes based on the methods recommended in Vrikshayurveda offers us tremendous opportunities to develop novel, eco-friendly methods of manuring and plant protection through research. The Vrikshayurveda-prescribed methods should be applicable to plantation and field crops.
机译:研究人员一直在寻找安全的替代材料,尤其是基于有机物的替代材料,因为与使用化学品有关的多种危害。在印度的城市和农村,有机废物都大量燃烧或原地腐烂。印度每年产生大量废物。印度垃圾由85%的有机物组成,提供了将其转化为有用的农作物营养素和植物保护材料的机会。历史上,通过Vrikshayurveda中包含的知识,动物源性有机废物最常用于营养和植物保护。另外,在动物的液体废物中加工的草药被用于植物保护。普遍使用牛粪粪便和来自称为kunapajala的动物粪便中的液体粪便。 Kunapajala可以由(i)屠宰场废物(肉,头发,脂肪,牛角,皮肤碎片),(U)乳制品废物(残留奶,变质牛奶,牛粪和葡萄酒,乳清等)制备(iii)渔业废物(剩余的鱼零件,干鱼废料和洗鱼液),(iv)家禽废料(变质的鸡蛋,雏鸡,排泄物的外壳,羽毛),(v)糖/粗糖工厂(糖蜜,甘蔗渣),(vi)制革厂废料中的一些材料,尽管皮革厂废料中铬的存在使该材料令人反感(vii)垃圾,包括夜土壤(城市厨房,化粪池),(viii)不可食用的油饼和(ix)食品加工厂的废料。根据Vrikshayurveda中推荐的方法利用有机废物,为我们提供了巨大的机会,可以通过研究开发新颖,环保的肥料和植物保护方法。 Vrikshayurveda规定的方法应适用于人工林和大田作物。



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