首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Protection >Feeding Deterrence of Fortified Oils and Kernel Extracts of Neem, Pungam and Madhuca Against Groundnut Red Hairy Caterpillar and Tobacco Cut Worm

Feeding Deterrence of Fortified Oils and Kernel Extracts of Neem, Pungam and Madhuca Against Groundnut Red Hairy Caterpillar and Tobacco Cut Worm


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Seed kernel extracts of neem (NSKE), pungam (PSKE) and madhuca (MSKE) at 5% and their oil formulations @ Sml/l were evaluated as feeding deterrents to Amsacta albistriga Walker and Spodoptera litura F. Feeding with the neem treated foliage even for aday caused significant pupal mortality. Continuous feeding of treated leaves with NSKE and neem oil caused complete mortality of A. albistriga in five days. The continuous feeding ofS. litura with NSKE treated foliage gave complete mortality in seven days while the neem oil formulations took nine days. Larval, pupal mortality and larval-pupal intermediates were formed due to feeding on neem formulation treated leaves.
机译:将印度em(NSKE),pungam(PSKE)和madhuca(MSKE)的籽仁提取物(以5%的Sml / l评估)作为Amsacta albistriga Walker和斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura F)的摄食威慑剂。每天造成大量的mortality死亡。用NSKE和印em油连续饲喂处理过的叶子会在5天内使白粉曲霉完全死亡。 S的连续进料。用NSKE处理过的荔枝叶可在7天内完全死亡,而印em油配方则需要9天。幼虫,p死亡率和幼虫-中间产物是由于以印em制剂处理的叶片为食而形成的。



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