首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Soil Conservation >Participatory varietal and adoption behaviour evaluation for off-season tomato cultivation on rainfed sloping lands of southern Odisha

Participatory varietal and adoption behaviour evaluation for off-season tomato cultivation on rainfed sloping lands of southern Odisha


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A study under Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) was conducted at Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Semiliguda from 2009-2014 to evaluate the performance of tomato varieties Utkal Kumari, Utkal Raja, Utkal Pragya and Arvind. Hybrid variety 'Arvind yielded 289 q ha~(-1) and amid open pollinated varieties Utkal Kumari registered mean yield 213 q ha~(-1). The increase in fruit yield was to the tune of 47, 50, 42 and 51% for Utkal Kumari, Utkal Raja, Arvind and Utkal Pragya, respectively over Farmers' Practice (FP). Among different cultivars; lowest extension gap of 32 q ha~(-1) was obtained in Utkal Pragya whereas highest extension gap of 86 q ha~(-1) was for variety Arvind. The technology gap for tested varieties was 187, 211, 210 and 209 q ha~(-1) for Utkal Kumari, Utkal Raja, Arvind and Utkal Pragya, respectively. Net returns analysis shows that hybrid variety 'Arvind fetched maximum net returns of 2,59,363 and 1,70,488 under FLD and FP, respectively. For conservation measures, maximum adoption score was recorded for contour bunding (72.3) followed by ridge furrow cultivation (65.1). Water use efficiency (WUE) was 21.1, 22.7, 41.4 and 17.9% higher in demonstration plot than FP for Utkal Kumari, Utkal Raja, Arvind and Utkal Pragya, respectively. Matrix rankingincites that 'Arvind was the most preferred variety of tomato followed by Utkal Kumari.
机译:2009年至2014年,在塞米利格达的Krishi Vigyan Kendra进行了前线示范(FLD)下的研究,以评估番茄品种Utkal Kumari,Utkal Raja,Utkal Pragya和Arvind的性能。杂交品种'Arvind的产量为289 q ha〜(-1),开放授粉品种Utkal Kumari的平均产量为213 q ha〜(-1)。 Utkal Kumari,Utkal Raja,Arvind和Utkal Pragya的水果产量分别比农民实践(FP)高出47%,50%,42%和51%。在不同品种之间;在乌特卡尔邦(Utkal Pragya)获得的最低延伸间隙为32 q ha〜(-1),而对于Arvind品种,最高延伸间隙为86 q ha〜(-1)。 Utkal Kumari,Utkal Raja,Arvind和Utkal Pragya的受试品种的技术差距分别为187、211、210和209 q ha〜(-1)。净收益分析表明,杂种'Arvind在FLD和FP下分别获得了2,59,363和1,70,488的最大净收益。对于保护措施,最高收成记录为等高线捆扎(72.3),其次是垄沟栽培(65.1)。示范区的水利用效率(WUE)分别比乌特卡尔·库马里,乌特卡尔·拉贾,阿文德和乌特卡尔·普拉格亚的FP高21.1%,22.7%,41.4%和17.9%。矩阵排名表明,“ Arvind是番茄的首选品种,其次是Utkal Kumari。



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