首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources >IL-13-106 (IC0613360; INGR15026), a Berseem {Trifolium alexandrinum L.) Germplasm with Black Seeds and Pentafoliate Leaf

IL-13-106 (IC0613360; INGR15026), a Berseem {Trifolium alexandrinum L.) Germplasm with Black Seeds and Pentafoliate Leaf

机译:IL-13-106(IC0613360; INGR15026),具有黑种子和五叶形叶的Berseem(Trifolium alexandrinum L.)种质

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Berseem (Egyptian clover, Trifolium alexandrinum L.) is one of the most important winter season fodder crop. Because of narrow genetic base of the crop, interspecific hybridization using embryo rescue technique was attempted to generate variability and transfer of traits like disease resistance, quality, longevity, yield etc. Several interspecific hybrids of T. alexandrinum with different related wild species were developed at Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (Roy et al, 2004; Malaviyaet al, 2004; Kaushal et al, 2005). Hybrids of T. alexandrinum x T. apertum (both parents were yellow seeded and trifoliate) were generated which showed segregation for black seeded and pentafoliate traits in F2 generation. Selected plants were advanced and by recurrent selection line combining pentafoliate with black seeds (RHS no. black202A) were developed. Thus, anovel genetic stock, viz., black seeded pentafoliate berseem, was identified. Progeny lines of this novel genetic stock were planted to analyse the stability of these two traits. Progeny lines showed 100% penetrance for both traits while >95% expressivity was observed for pentafoliate trait. Due to black colour the seeds are expected to contain higher tannin content in its seed coat, which may confer better tolerance to pathogens in the early stagesof seedling development. Additionally, the pentafoliate nature is a distinct morphological trait and can be used in breeding programme to enhance productivity and studies in leaves morphogenesis. Further to mention that black (dark tan) seeded pentafoliate berseem has never been reported. In future, it might serve as a marker in various intra and interspecific crosses. This novel genetic stock of berseem with black-seed and pentafoliate leaves could potentially be used for basic studies as well as genetic improvement programme in berseem crop (Anonymous 2013).
机译:Berseem(埃及三叶草,Trifolium alexandrinum L.)是冬季最重要的饲料作物之一。由于作物的遗传基础狭窄,尝试使用胚拯救技术进行种间杂交以产生变异性和性状转移,如抗病性,品质,寿命,产量等特征。在此开发了几种亚历山大草与不同相关野生物种的种间杂种。印度草原和饲料研究所(Roy等,2004; Malaviyaet等,2004; Kaushal等,2005)。产生了亚历山大草x顶坛的杂种(两个亲本均为黄色种子和三叶形),这表明F2代中黑色种子和五叶形性状发生了分离。将选择的植物进行改良,并通过轮回选择系将戊酸与黑种子(RHS号black202A)结合起来。因此,鉴定出了anovel遗传储备,即黑色种子的五叶形berseem。种植了这种新型遗传种群的后代,以分析这两个性状的稳定性。后代品系对这两种性状均表现出100%的渗透性,而对五叶形性状表现出> 95%的表达能力。由于黑色,预计种子的种皮中单宁含量较高,这可能在幼苗发育的早期赋予对病原体的更好耐受性。此外,五叶形自然是一种独特的形态特征,可用于育种程序以提高生产力和叶片形态发生的研究。还要提及的是,从未报道过黑色(棕褐色)种子的五叶形berseem种子。将来,它可能会成为各种种​​内和种间杂交的标记。这种带有黑种子和五叶形叶子的新的bersem遗传种群有可能用于基础研究以及berseem作物的遗传改良计划(Anonymous 2013)。



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