首页> 外文期刊>Australian Veterinary Journal >Necrotising ventriculitis due to combined infection with Rhizopus microsporus var. chinensis and Candida krusei in an eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus)

Necrotising ventriculitis due to combined infection with Rhizopus microsporus var. chinensis and Candida krusei in an eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus)

机译:因与小孢根霉变种合并感染而导致的坏死性脑室炎。折衷鹦鹉(Eclectus roratus)中的中华和念珠菌

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Acute necrosis of the ventriculus is a very uncommon lesion in birds. We describe a fatal case of acute necrotising ventriculitis caused by Rhizopus microsporus var. chinensis in a mature female eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus). The bird presented acutely dull and lethargic, was vomiting and had bright green droppings, suggestive of acute heavy metal poisoning. It was treated with fluids and chelation therapy, but died within 12 h. Necropsy, cytology, histopathology and culture results demonstrated fungal invasion of the ventriculus associated with transmural necrosis, haemorrhage, acute inflammation and abundant R. microsporus var. chinensis and lesser numbers of Candida krusei.
机译:脑室急性坏死是鸟类中非常罕见的病变。我们描述了由小根霉变种引起的急性坏死性脑室炎的致命病例。中华female在成熟的雌性折衷鹦鹉(Eclectus roratus)中。这只鸟表现出沉闷,嗜睡,呕吐和鲜绿色的粪便,提示急性重金属中毒。用液体和螯合疗法治疗,但在12小时内死亡。尸检,细胞学,组织病理学和培养结果表明,真菌侵害了脑室,与透壁坏死,出血,急性炎症和丰富的微孢子虫变种有关。中华和较少数量的假丝酵母。



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