首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Robotics: The International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan >Torso motion control and toe trajectory generation of a trotting quadruped robot based on virtual model control

Torso motion control and toe trajectory generation of a trotting quadruped robot based on virtual model control


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This article presents an intuitive approach based on virtual model control for robust quadrupedal trotting. The controller consists of two main modules: support phase virtual model control for torso motion control and flight phase virtual model control for flight toe trajectory generation. We mapped the relationship between the joint torques of support legs and the torso forces. And virtual forces are applied to the torso to regulate the attitude, height, and velocities of the torso during support phase. To unify the control law, virtual forces are also applied to flight toes to track the planned trajectories that are designed based on lateral velocity of the torso and contact signals of the legs. Moreover, state machine, terrain estimator, and the high level controller are designed to control the robot trotting. Simulations of quadruped trotting versatilely on flat ground, trotting over stairs and slops as well as the impact recovery are reported to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our controller.




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