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Fodder of the Future — A Review of the Hydroponics Technique


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According to the Annual Reports of the Department of Animal Husbandry Government of India the livestock population in the country between 1951 and 2007 has been increasing. During this period, the number of cattle has increased by 28.19%, buffaloes by142.72%, sheep by 83.02% and goats by 197.76%, with the total livestock population growing by 80.91%. Economic viability of livestock keeping in India is directly dependent on the practices of livestock husbandry, animal management, feeding and nutrition and of course the genetic potential for production of our livestock. It is well established that about 65-70% of the total cost of livestock farming is attributed to feeding. Therefore, efficiency of livestock management and the prosperity of the Indian farmer are related to availability of feeds and fodders. Livestock require certain quantity of protein and carbohydrates from either concentrate or nutritious fodder. For example, cows or buffaloes yielding 5-8 kg milk per day can be maintained exclusively on 48-55 kg lucerne or berseem greens, as a substitute for 4.5 to 5.0 kg concentrate. Green fodder is an integral component of nutrition and a natural diet for dairy animals. It is best for improving the quality as well as for production of milk andmeat. Green fodders enhance the content of poly unsaturated fatty acids, e.g., Omega 3; vitamins, minerals and carotenoids. Apart from ancient practitioners favouring the use of green fodders for cows, modern researches have confirmed that grass-fed cow's milk is very rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs). Omega-3 is the most important constituent of grass-fed cow milk. Importance of Omega 3 in human diet is established by the fact that it is known to improve the functions of brain and eyes. Some clinical studies indicate that a 1:1 ingested ratio of Omega 6- to Omega 3- fatty acids is important for maintaining cardiovascular health.
机译:根据印度政府畜牧部的年度报告,该国的牲畜数量在1951年至2007年之间一​​直在增加。在此期间,牛的数量增加了28.19%,水牛的数量增加了142.72%,绵羊的数量增加了83.02%,山羊的数量增加了197.76%,牲畜总数增加了80.91%。印度牲畜饲养的经济可行性直接取决于牲畜饲养,动物管理,喂养和营养的做法,当然还取决于我们牲畜生产的遗传潜力。众所周知,畜牧业总成本的约65-70%归因于饲养。因此,牲畜管理的效率和印度农民的繁荣与饲料和饲料的可获得性有关。牲畜需要来自浓缩饲料或营养饲料的一定量的蛋白质和碳水化合物。例如,每天可产奶量为5-8公斤的奶牛或水牛可以仅用48-55公斤的卢塞恩或伯尔西姆蔬菜来代替4.5至5.0公斤的浓缩汁。绿饲料是奶类动物营养和自然饮食不可或缺的组成部分。它最适合提高牛奶和肉的质量以及生产。绿色饲料可提高多不饱和脂肪酸(例如Omega 3)的含量;维生素,矿物质和类胡萝卜素。除了古老的从业者赞成将绿色饲料用于奶牛之外,现代研究还证实,草饲牛乳富含必需脂肪酸(EFAs)。 Omega-3是草饲牛乳中最重要的成分。欧米茄3在人类饮食中的重要性是通过已知改善大脑和眼睛功能的事实而确立的。一些临床研究表明,摄入1:1的Omega 6-Omega-3脂肪酸比例对于维持心血管健康很重要。



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