首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Microbiology >Diversity of the Intestinal Bacteria of Cattle Fed on Diets with Different Doses of Gelatinized Starch-Urea

Diversity of the Intestinal Bacteria of Cattle Fed on Diets with Different Doses of Gelatinized Starch-Urea


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Gelatinized starch-urea (Starea, SU) is an effective and economical source of urea for ruminants. Here we assessed the influence of dietary supplementation with gelatinized starch-urea on the diversity of intestinal bacteria in finishing cattle. Fifty steers were randomly allotted to five treatments with diets supplemented with different doses of Starea [0 % (SU0), 8 % (SU8), 16 % (SU16), 24 % (SU24), and 32 % (SU32) of urea-N in total nitrogen]. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rRNA genes was used to examine the effect of dietary supplementation of Starea on intestinal bacterial flora. Shannon-Weaver and Simpson diversity indices consistently showed the lowest bacterial diversity in the SU0 treatment. Increasing doses of Starea increased the diversity up to SU24 after which, diversity decreased. Cluster analysis of 16S rRNA gene DGGE profiles indicates that the intestinal bacterial communities associated with cattle that were not supplemented with Starea in feed differed in composition and structure from those supplemented with Starea. The amount of Starea supplemented in cattle diets influenced the abundance of several key species affiliated with Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, Peptostreptococcaceae, Comamonadaceae and Moraxellaceae. These results suggest that Starea influences the composition and structure of intestinal bacteria which may play a role in promoting ruminant health and production performance.
机译:糊化的淀粉-尿素(Starea,SU)是反刍动物尿素的有效和经济来源。在这里,我们评估了日粮中添加糊化淀粉-脲对肥育牛肠道细菌多样性的影响。 50头ers牛随机分配给五种饮食,分别添加不同剂量的Starea [0%(SU0),8%(SU8),16%(SU16),24%(SU24)和32%(SU32)尿素-总氮中的氮]。 16S rRNA基因的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)用于检查膳食补充Starea对肠道细菌菌群的影响。 Shannon-Weaver和Simpson多样性指数在SU0处理中始终显示出最低的细菌多样性。逐渐增加的Starea剂量增加了多样性,直至SU24,之后多样性降低。对16S rRNA基因DGGE图谱的聚类分析表明,与饲料中未添加Starea的牛相关的肠道细菌群落的成分和结构与Starea补充的牛不同。牛日粮中补充的Starea数量影响了与Lachnospiraceae,Ruminococcaceae,Peptostreptococcacece,Comamonadaceae和Moraxellaceae相关的几种关键物种的丰度。这些结果表明,Starea影响肠道细菌的组成和结构,这可能在促进反刍动物健康和生产性能方面发挥作用。



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